Spammers must DIE....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
I just got through cleaning 250 "rejected" email messages out of my in-box. Seems some slimy spammer has sent mail with my email as the return address. There were another 200 yesterday. Add in the 2000+ regular spam messages that Spamassassin has weeded out in the last 4 days, and it's a real mess.
I hear ya. What I am more annoyed with is today our IEEE WG 802.16 server got hacked and someone deleted all the contributions and technical documents on it. I do not know the details of the hack and what happened only that this is what is being reported. We have had trouble form within the group as well as out so I do not want to point fingers in any directions right now. But it is sure a stupid thing to do. I never once got the whole hacking thing. I always thought it was pretty stupid.
The spam volume comes and goes; it has been particularly bad here for the last several weeks but so far this week, only 5 spam emails have made it through the filters. They are bounceback replies for spam sent to others with my return address, so the spam filters have a hard time killing them. Last week I got several hundred a day. I set up a "rule" in Outlook to toss them. -Skip
I just got through cleaning 250 "rejected" email messages out of my in-box. Seems some slimy spammer has sent mail with my email as the return address. There were another 200 yesterday. Add in the 2000+ regular spam messages that Spamassassin has weeded out in the last 4 days, and it's a real mess.

When I started to get a lot of spam, I changed my Address, and olny told the folks who I wanted to have it.

stopped 100% of the Spam.

Of course I don't do business on the computer.
We're up to 380 and counting.

The problem is that some spammer took my email address and is using it as a "valid sender" for his spam. So I stand to get tens of thousands of responses telling me my email to the spam recipients has been rejected.

I've had this in bits and pieces before, but this time takes the cake.
We're up to 380 and counting.

The problem is that some spammer took my email address and is using it as a "valid sender" for his spam. So I stand to get tens of thousands of responses telling me my email to the spam recipients has been rejected.

I've had this in bits and pieces before, but this time takes the cake.

And every one of those messages you get is from a "highly professional" server administrator that never heard that the sending address in spam message is NEVER they auto-reply to the spam to at least double the volume of garbage.

The really stoopid part about having the reply turned on is the best way to set up a spam filter is to make everything look like the mail in going through normally and then quietly toss it. Any information you give to the goof tells him to try some other way to get through. :mad:

These maroons (the admins I mean) just gotta turn on every feature so you know they're so swift they spent $15,000 on a system they don't understand a thing about.
And every one of those messages you get is from a "highly professional" server administrator that never heard that the sending address in spam message is NEVER they auto-reply to the spam to at least double the volume of garbage.
Well they have not covered that in the M$ certification classes.
Sure, It was Answer B!!!!!

From M$? It was answer missing. Since when did MS care about email security - or security in general.

A significant number (N>25) are from Barracuda anti-spam firewalls.
From M$? It was answer missing. Since when did MS care about email security - or security in general.

A significant number (N>25) are from Barracuda anti-spam firewalls.

Like I said, the "guru"

  1. Talked the vendor.
  2. Sold it to the boss.
  3. Bought it.
  4. Plugged it in.
  5. Combed his hair.
  6. Asked for his raise.

Now that I'm about to shut down my Charter account, I wish it were cheap enough I could redirect all the spam I get to Neil Smit.
A significant number (N>25) are from Barracuda anti-spam firewalls.
This is the feature that is giving you so much trouble:

The Barracuda products work but they do feel a little rough around the edges and have some 'recommended' features like this one that are a bad idea. The only thing they have going for them is their pricing structure. You don't have to pay per mailbox like other vendors which is a big deal when you host a lot of mail.
Another 1500+ bounce messages today, plus an additional 400 spams. A-holes.

Oh, and a new trick from the "bouncing" hosts - the bounce mail servers (the ones that generate the bounce message) are now sticking in postmaster@host.*my domain*.com so you can't even tell who is responsible for the bounce (yeah, I get that it avoids a bounce on my end returning to them, but this crap is out of hand). My email address has now, apparently, as a result been banned from a few mailing lists. Not that I really participate in them anyway....
And every one of those messages you get is from a "highly professional" server administrator that never heard that the sending address in spam message is NEVER they auto-reply to the spam to at least double the volume of garbage.

The really stoopid part about having the reply turned on is the best way to set up a spam filter is to make everything look like the mail in going through normally and then quietly toss it. Any information you give to the goof tells him to try some other way to get through. :mad:

These maroons (the admins I mean) just gotta turn on every feature so you know they're so swift they spent $15,000 on a system they don't understand a thing about.
Guess what?

The spammers are using the maroon admins spam filters to SEND spam!
It's called backscatter.;1698505531;pp;1;fp;16;fpid;1