Space 1999 Star Dies


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Barry Morse played Professor Victor Bergman in 1970s science fiction series "Space 1999" as well as some other lessor roles has passed away.

Space 1999 was one of the best low budget space shows IMHO, and I hear that there may be some PoAers that have the entire series on DVD or VHS. But I am not naming names (It is not me).

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Barry Morse played Professor Victor Bergman in 1970s science fiction series "Space 1999" as well as some other lessor rolls has passed away.

Space 1999 was one of the best low budget space shows IMHO, and I hear that there may be some PoAers that have the entire series on DVD or VHS. But I am not naming names (It is not me)...

And playing the original Lt. Sam Gerard on "The Fugitive" means nothing?

Kids these days.
Such a silly premise (not that I minded when I was a kid), but good writing and a great cast... he was excellent.
Was that the show where the cheesy looking spaceships always blew up?
RIP. I don't remember it as being cheesy, but I was only a kid.

If you get a chance, watch one or more of those old shows.

It's amazing what we thought was perfectly reasonable as kids looks really cheap and cheesy now, even, *gasp* the original Star Trek.
I just saw a bit of it on youtube. The space ships didn't look cheesy at all, though the critters left a bit to be desired.
And the alien makeup too! Don't forget that it did not even meet Star Trek TOS standards

Ah, but remember that on TOS Klingons were merely well-tanned humans with goatees and funny(er) sideburns.
Ah, but remember that on TOS Klingons were merely well-tanned humans with goatees and funny(er) sideburns.
A common mis perception. Actually they were genetically altered Klingons. The original Klingon DNA was corrupted by human genetically engineered DNA. But Dr. Phlox from the Enterprise NX-01, was able to use regular human DNA to stabilize the Klingon DNA. The side effect was that for a period of time the Klingons took on secondary human characteristics.
I liked it better when Mr. Worf simply said: I DON"T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!