Southwest Captain flying again after wrong-airport landing

Hope they gave him a portable garmin,for future flights.
I think that is great! There isn't a pilot flying who is now less likely than him to make that same or a related type of mistake.
He has, after all, demonstrated good B737 landing skills with the short fields.
Well, SWA now has one pilot who will NEVER land at the wrong airport!
I have to wonder though, was the FO scapegoated or was he eligible to retire anyway? Kinda stinks to go out that way, but oh well, golfing every day isn't so bad.
I have to wonder though, was the FO scapegoated or was he eligible to retire anyway? Kinda stinks to go out that way, but oh well, golfing every day isn't so bad.

When did airlines start paying their FO's enough to do that!?
An airliner's wrong-airport landing seems like reason to be suspicious of the crew's competence and of the airline's training and evaluation procedures. But if follow-up re-training and evaluation are satisfactory, then yeah there's no reason for an isolated mistake of that sort to be permanently disqualifying.