Source for microphone connector wire-end socket


Line Up and Wait
Mar 5, 2012
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The microphone plug of the right seat headset on my plane connects to a wire from the PTT switch in the yoke through a 0.206 in socket hanging on the end of the wire. The microphone plug is loose in the socket and produces static on the intercom as it moves in-flight.

I would like to replace the socket but have only found the panel mount types like the JJ-033:

Can someone point me to where I can purchase one?

By the way, before you ask, the current socket is enclosed in a steel cannister so I can't simply bend the contacts to tighten the connection.
The microphone plug of the right seat headset on my plane connects to a wire from the PTT switch in the yoke through a 0.206 in socket hanging on the end of the wire. The microphone plug is loose in the socket and produces static on the intercom as it moves in-flight.

I would like to replace the socket but have only found the panel mount types like the JJ-033:

Can someone point me to where I can purchase one?
I'd been looking for one of these for a while, Cap'n Thorpe's was the first one I've seen on the market (and, of course, it costs 10x what the same 1/4" jack does). I ended up buying an old headset adaptor from a friend to get one.

As an experiment, I made a sleeve that let me use a 1/4" socket. I bought a 1/4" OD bushing from the local Ace Hardware and drilled out the ID with a 3/16" bit and a drill press. Length-wise, it should be just shorter than the distance from the length of the plug shaft to the ring connector. A drop of solder holds it to the metal part of the socket.

Electrically, it checked out. However, don't know how well it'd stand up over time.

Ron Wanttaja
I'm not exactly sure that I know what you're looking for, but you might try Mouser Electronics ( as well.

Static in the mic could also be caused by oxidation of the plug itself. Some headsets (such as D.C.) seem to be more susceptible to that than others.

I've got a bag of a couple of hundred of them around here somewhere. Next time I do an Oshkosh forum (not this year, sorry) I'll bring the bag along as a giveaway to everybody that comes to the forum.
