Sometimes the Universe gets things right


Cleared for Takeoff
Feb 23, 2005
Viola, ID
Display Name

Display name:
Judy Parrish
That's what a friend said when she found out where I hit 2500 hours total time logged.

The back story: I belong to a group called the Cessna Pilots Society. We have a get together every year somewhere in the country except for the last two years because....covid. FINALLY we were able to get together again this year, and it was in Kansas City (host airport KMKC). I flew down in one day and, even more amazingly, back in one day. The latter was amazing because I was (a) grounded for 3 hours by storms on the way and (b) flying into headwinds. But when I got to where I thought I might stop for the night, the day was so beautiful and I felt so good that I just kept on going until I got home. Total time logged for the trip, 19.5 hours, 9 new airports bagged (I make an effort to fly into new airports).

And I hit 2500 hours total time logged. I can't see the Hobbs meter from the left seat so I wasn't tracking it, but when I landed I calculated back and found out that I had hit 2500 hours total time over......

......wait for it.......

the Crazy Woman VOR (in Wyoming). Everyone who knows me who has heard that story has pronounced that the most appropriate thing they've ever heard.