Sometimes Kids just *KNOW* what they are talking about.


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
Display Name

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White Chocolate
Preface: Anndie (A.J.) is 6 years old, and also the little girl of the blue balls story. She absolutely LOVES flying, and now has a "boyfriend" in the first grade named Kyle. Courtney, her mom, who is fine with flying but not aerobatics, sends me this yesterday afternoon:

I picked Anndie up from school, and asked her how her day went. She went on and on about Kyle, and then asked about you. I told her that you were doing good, that you were going to be in a wedding soon and that you are thinking about taken a lesson on how to fly upside down. She said "Acro flying mom?"
I didn't know what it was called so I said sure.....She said to me "Mom, how cool! Can you think what it would be like to be so high up in the air, where no one can hurt you and then all of the sudden you turn around, upside down, backwards, and then all over again? Mom, I love him, he makes me happy to know him." I said to her "Wouldn't you be scared that he might crash and never come home again?" she said "Nope, cause he knows what he's doing, (AJ gets sort of snotty at this point) AND what can hurt him up there mom? a stop light? a tree? maybe some guy who drank a lot at the bar? Mom you don't have danger when you fly when you know what to do and when your my Eddie."

Yo Chip, you got a parachute that will fit a six year old?
Ed, is AJs mom the krill girl?

This kid is gonna be a kick Arse pilot one day. Now Ed all you need to do is find a 3-35 year old version of her and you have met your future wife!
AdamZ said:
Ed, is AJs mom the krill girl?

This kid is gonna be a kick Arse pilot one day. Now Ed all you need to do is find a 3-35 year old version of her and you have met your future wife!

He's already met one... sniffile... but *I* must not be good enough for him! (Edit: Oh yea but I don't Idolize him so I'm not a 'perfect' older version.)

Ed, Keep us posted on AJ, she looks like she's got a bright flying future and idolizes you.

Missa :blowingkisses:
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AdamZ said:
Ed, is AJs mom the krill girl?

This kid is gonna be a kick Arse pilot one day. Now Ed all you need to do is find a 3-35 year old version of her and you have met your future wife!

LOL. Nah, I'm all good with who I've got right now.
That is the cutest story!!
"Nothing can go wrong when you're my Eddie!" hee hee!

wbarnhill said:

I think you meant 30-35 ;)

ROLMFAO:rofl: . Great catch William. I was gonna edit it but that would take away from the boffo move on my part. Yea I did mean 30-35 and don't want Ed ending up in teh Michigan State Correctional Facitliy.
AdamZ said:
ROLMFAO:rofl: . Great catch William. I was gonna edit it but that would take away from the boffo move on my part. Yea I did mean 30-35 and don't want Ed ending up in teh Michigan State Correctional Facitliy.

Have to admitt that I was scared. Called Eddie to make sure that you made a mistake. Eddie with a 3 year old???? :no:

And I think a 26 year old is just perfect for him!! :yes:
Courtney... the embarrassing dirt on Ed. Really!
N2212R said:
Hey! Back in the kitchen, woman!

Should we tell everyone how you ALWAYS cook for me??? And do all the cleaning??? Whos the "woman"?? ;)
HPNFlyGirl said:
Looks as if Courtney wears the pants in the relationship!!!!!

This is why I haven't told my wife about this website. :D