Solving a Rubic's cube in ONLY FOUR HOURS!!

I don't have that kind of patience. :eek:

I didn't have enough patience to watch it all, either... slid that slider to the right and watched the last 30 or 40 seconds of it. You're right, though--that dude needs to get a life!! Or become a pilot. (there, the thread is now aviation-related, right?)
My old boss could solve a standard rubik's cube in less than 2 minutes. I think he could grasp this pretty quickly too. I'll email him the link and see what he says.
the standard one is not that hard once you learn to recognize some standard patterns. i can do it pretty easily in probably 2-3 minutes.
I used to average solving times of 30-40 seconds when I was a kid. Developing these skills was easy then, because I wasn't getting any girls, so I had plenty of free time, and strong wrists.

I can still beat a minute these days on a regular basis, but my nerd "pimp hand" is far less strong than it was once. Once your life has been contaminated by girls, your nerd powers start to fade. Girls are like kryptonite for nerds. As a result, I have no particular interest in attempting to solve a computer-based model of a 20x20x20 cube.
I can do this one in about fifteen minutes :p

3 and 4 cubed sides weren't hard once I figured out the pattern movements.
The 12 sided star got me. No flipping way.

20 sided? Forgetaboutit. Even if I did manage to do the 20 sides, when I was done I just know that exactly ONE corner or edge piece would be flipped around. That's would result in an extremely calm patient walk out the door...Next stop, Kathmandu, then start walking...I would actually become a Tibetan Monk at that point.