Solo'd My First Student Today!!


Dec 31, 2011
Central AR
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So today after 4 months of teaching my first student I finally got him to solo. Drove down this afternoon and found my student had already preflighted the plane and his family was there. At our school you know your solo about a week ahead of time. This is because you have to do a flight with a check airman before your CFI , oh sorry FI :rofl:, can solo you.

Anyway after four landings and I got out signed his logbook, set up my GoPro, and told him to have fun. Two of his landing were the most perfect from him I have seen. Center of the thousand footers and perfectly smooth. On his second landing he ballooned but quickly fixed it and landed very nicely. Overall I was very impressed. Now on to my second student.

I have a few photos from my phone. Also I'll post the GoPro video as soon as I get it edited.


Justin Taxiing By


Justin's first solo takeoff


The mandatory CFI & student pic


And of course the dumping of the water over the student.
Dumping water? I didn't know Maule was a glider. I mean, it's a trike Maule, but still
Congrats to the both of you, what happened to the shirt tail.?
Whoooo...hoooooo! Congrats, Andrew!

Still flying those "Hard Surface" Maules I see! :)
Congrats to the both of you, what happened to the shirt tail.?

Currently it's sitting on top of the GoPro bag at Barnes & Noble. K and I are wrapping gifts.

I'll put a design on it sometime over Christmas. I'll have to give offerings to the Art gods. I can draw but it's been almost 8 years since my last art class. :rofl:
Congrats, it is always exciting. I guess people expect pictures these days. I never watched, especially the helicopter students figured if they did it wrong I'd know from the parts whizzing by.
Congrats!!! Difficult to tell who's prouder, you or your student!!

Tell K I said howdy and I wish the klepto-sandwich-maniac a Merry Christmas
From one Reddie to another, congrats!
I always thought that the shirt tail thing was US and the water thing was Canadian.

Tell K I said howdy and I wish the klepto-sandwich-maniac a Merry Christmas


That will remain one of the finest fly-in moments of all time.

(Psst...hey Mike, check out what's going down over here)
You dump water on a student when they solo? the middle of December?

Geez, cut the shirt tail and have a beer. You didn't win the fricken Super Bowl. If my CFI did that to me I'd punch him in the nose.

Aside from that...gratz.
Good job. Never been in one of those things. :wink: