Solo'd Dad on his 3rd lesson.


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Well, I didn't feel like climbing back in the plane after he put fuel in it, so I let him taxi from the fuel pumps to the hangar w/o me in it.

You don't think I'd turn someone loose in the air that early didja?

You didnt read the whole thing did you? LOL
Was this conducted in a non-movement area at all times? I wonder if Brad had the urge to just go....
Richard said:
Was this conducted in a non-movement area at all times? I wonder if Brad had the urge to just go....
Yes, Like Howard Hughes just taxi'd the Spruce Goose. Oops! ;) OK, let's set her down.

At the risk of being a wet blanket, I'd advise against this, from both regulatory and insurance standpoints, until he has a solo endorsement in his log and on his SP ticket.
§ 61.87 Solo requirements for student pilots.

(a) General. A student pilot may not operate an aircraft in solo flight unless that student has met the requirements of this section. The term “solo flight” as used in this subpart means that flight time during which a student pilot is the sole occupant of the aircraft or that flight time during which the student performs the duties of a pilot in command of a gas balloon or an airship requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember.

§ 61.87
Flight time means:
(1) Pilot time that commences when an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing;

It doesn't say a student pilot can't taxi. And his insurance policy says "under supervision from an instructor" not that an instructor must be in the plane.

What regulation would he be breaking?
N2212R said:
What regulation would he be breaking?
As I said, I just advise against this. It might well be legal, and within the terms of the policy, but I wouldn't bet either my ticket or my assets on that. I'm just thinking in terms of what you'd say to either agency if something bad happened and they asked what the heck you were doing letting an uncertified person not approved for solo taxi the plane around -- y'know, the old "how would it look in an accident report" business.
Hmm. what about A&P's who don't have any pilot certificate, that taxi airplanes around?

Seen it happen lots of times - do they cover taxiing in A&P schools?
Ron Levy said:
At the risk of being a wet blanket, I'd advise against this, from both regulatory and insurance standpoints...

That's why I posted the regs. You said regulatory.