So I Ended Up Inside A Pilatus Tonight . . .


Final Approach
Jun 9, 2011
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I'm tired but feel the need to write this down.

A lot of aviation, it seems, is directly related to two things:

1. Who you know / who your friends are

2. Just showing up, being in the right place at the right time.

I am very good friends, buddy buddy, with the owner of my flying school. I am also great friends with the weekend airport manager. In fact, we are like the three stooges, hanging out together a lot at the airport and giving each other crap and in general making fools out of ourselves in the man cave. We are all pilots.

So tonight, I was invited (and have been for many months) to the monthly dinner. My airport has a private group of pilots, who meet once per month (just like the EAA or the 99s). I am not a member, but both my buddies are, and they have asked me to attend.

I finally decide to check it out. I then decide to park my car in the main parking lot and walk all the way down to the other side of the airport for exercise. If I had not made that choice, none of tonight's events would have occurred.

You see, I was parking my car and saw a woman who looked lost. She asked the restaurant owner a question and didn't get any help. I got out of my car and asked if I could be of assistance. She was telling me that she came to find the dinner. I could sense this was her first time at the event, and she was alone. I recognized her face and asked if she was a 99 locally, she said yes.

I told her where to drive to, and park, and then watched her drive off. Didn't think too much of it.

I walked to the dinner, my friend had not arrived yet, though I saw many people I know, some from EAA, some from the flight school, etc. The seats next to all the people I know were taken. So I walk the room full of tables, looking for an empty seat, and the only seat left was near the lady I helped in the parking lot.

We put on name tags and I ask why she has come to the dinner. I explain to her this is my home airport, and I want to find out more about the June flour bombing and July Young Eagles Flights. She tells me she flies out of a nearby airport but wanted to check out my airport. She is just starting her instrument training, and is roughly 20 years older than me (I didn't ask but she says she got her PPL in the 70's and her instrument written and commercial written have expired long ago). She lives in my town.

I start bragging (as always) about my planes and the flight school. I've flown out of her airport, in her airplane, with her instructor, last year, and I point out the many differences. For one, my planes are newer, more equipped, properly maintained, and cheaper. For two, I explain that if she gets checked out in my planes I can help (if she wants me to) by acting as her safety pilot while she practices IFR approaches. She asks questions, and seems really REALLY interested. She says "do you need a right seat checkout"? And I explain she is PIC, I'm simply looking for traffic.

The owner of my flight school is there, and I decide to ask him if I can have the keys on a total whim. I tell her that if she is free I will demo both the 172 and 150 for her (hey any excuse for me to fly, right?)

I have an account, so they simply charge me the next day.

The meeting goes on and on, and the flight school owner disappears. I tell the woman that I'll be right back, and I leave the meeting to call the flight school owner to find out where he went. I want to get the keys from him ASAP so he can go home to his wife.

He picks up the phone and tells me to meet him near the flight school.

I end up meeting him, my other buddy, and a Pilatus pilot.

In this hangar:


They are all busy using a simulator and I say hello. I sit down but can't help to wander out of the room. They ask me why I am leaving, and I say "Look, I promise not to touch anything, but I want to walk around the airplane if that is OK." The pilot gets up, plugs in AUX power, lowers the stairs, and sits me IN THE RIGHT SEAT. He sits in the left seat and shows me all the panel stuff.


All this time I'm still waiting for my new pilot friend to get out of the meeting and come fly with me. She keeps texting that she doesn't want to be rude and walk out in the middle of the dinner presentation. I text back:

"No hurry. Take your time. I'm in a Pilatus cockpit!"

It is getting really dark.

Finally, the meeting ends and she drives down to our hangar to meet us. By this time we're at the flight school getting me the keys to all the planes and getting her a headset.

She is so excited to go on a flight, and keeps saying "I only came here for the chicken dinner."

The owner of the school shows her all the planes (keep in mind it is now well after 9pm) and his website, card, pricing, etc. I show her the binders and all that fun stuff. She comments they don't do any of this stuff at her school (our binders show AD's, Maintenance, WB, and other copies from the POH - right in the binder). He lets her use the bathroom, unlocks the whole place, leaves the light on for us to come home and taxi.

Everyone goes home and when I find out more about what she flies, all four seaters, I decide to not show off the little 150.

We preflight th 172 instead, I give her a flashlight, I wear my headlamp. She is very calm and helpful. She later tells me I completed the most thorough pre-flight she has seen.

Though she is a pilot, I double check everything she has done (oil, chocks, etc) since I am PIC and not her. For all purposes, tonight, she is only my passenger.

I decide to just do one lap around the pattern. I can't believe it, she asks if I want to be a CFI, says she's learned a lot of things about preflight and flying from me, and even says nice things about me as a pilot (stick and rudder). I am so happy.

We land, just a perfect landing (OK OK I could have been more on the centerline). Again, she pours on the praise.

She drives me to my car, offers to split the cost, and says she'll email me. She says we should fly to Columbia. She got the name of the Pilatus pilot, too, who says his FO is a woman who would love to meet her. She tells us all her mom has 8000 hours but at 83 can't pass a medical.

She got checked out in the planes at the other airport just to let her mom fly again. She's going this weekend to the seaplane base (the owner / CFI gave a presentation at the meeting tonight) because her Mom always wanted a sea plane rating. They will all three fly together.

And to think, tonight, she just came for the chicken dinner. And I just came to find out if I qualify to fly Young Eagles.

Every time I fly, I think "this is the best aviation day I've ever had" and it just never stops.

On Saturday, I did this:

On Sunday, two POA pilots came with me on a Bay Tour, and now, on Wednesday, I sat in a Pilatus and offered a pilot a ride in my airplane.

What an awesome week!!!
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That is really cool Kimberly. Nice job, and you are correct on both accounts. If you want to fly, hang out at the airport, and get the "right place" part of the equation going, and the right time will happen.

Usually, great people too, as you've experienced.
Very cool happenings! Hanging out at airports has it's benifits! Try OSH! :rofl:

Nice write up on a great weekend.
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Nice write up. How cool.
Not a bad experience!

Weird question, but did the Pilatus smell cool on the inside? I've noticed that the Cessnas I fly smell like Volvos, and, surprisingly, a Ferrari interior also smells like a Volvo. I imagine the Pilatus would smell like really fresh leather that makes that rubbing/squish sound when you sit on it.

Yeah I know I'm weird.
Cool story. Don't ever send me a text, "No hurry. Take your time. I'm in a Pilatus cockpit!"

I wouldn't know what to do!

; )

Seriously, cool story. Who knew you could be so involved in aviation? Monthly diners? 99's, Flour something or
Very cool Kimberly!! You'll enjoy flying Young Eagles too.
A perfect evening. Next objective is to wheedle some time in the Pilatus. Love the PC12, great control harmony and built like an anvil. Of course anything behind a PT6 family member is going to be dependable as well. It's neat how the feeling of kinship among pilots can combine to make special moments like that.
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Kimberly, what a great story. This has been an unusual year for me flying wise, but I've really enjoyed reading about what you've done, how you've advanced, and how your passion for flying seems to increase by the post. Thanks for the read.
sounds like its time for a different girlfriend


There are not enough single women pilots or even women who don't hate flying. Maybe it is just the DC area, but I'm surprised how often the first date conversation goes, "Flying...that sounds like it takes up a lot of your time." :eek:
Yeah, you don't know the half of it.
Hahahahah she's actually super supportive of my flying since she knows how much and how long I've wanted/waited to do this as well as what my goals are. She's terrified of flying but willing to ride with me in a plane.

I think she would just get irritated if I spent all day at an airport on a Saturday. But she's gone Memorial Day weekend mwahahaaa
Hahahahah she's actually super supportive of my flying since she knows how much and how long I've wanted/waited to do this as well as what my goals are. She's terrified of flying but willing to ride with me in a plane.

I think she would just get irritated if I spent all day at an airport on a Saturday. But she's gone Memorial Day weekend mwahahaaa

Walk towards the biggest hangar. I didn't even know my airport had such fancy aircraft. I've never seen them or heard them on CTAF.
I think she would just get irritated if I spent all day at an airport on a Saturday.

Why? Doesn't she shop or have hobbies, friends, etc?

But she's gone Memorial Day weekend mwahahaaa

But, she gets to go away an entire weekend, but if you go to the airport for the day that is irritating to her? Seriously?
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Why? Doesn't she shop or have hobbies, friends, etc?

But, she gets to go away an entire weekend, but if you go to the airport for the day that is irratating to her? Seriously?

I bring my boyfriend to EAA meetings. He even sat back seat on a recent CFI lesson I paid for. He is ALWAYS invited but often has his own plans / hobbies.

I went Turkey hunting with him. He went flying with me.
Kimberly -

I sure like how your posts are just chock full of infectous enthusiasm. I suspect you could anybody out of a ride in anything. Heck, I'll even take you flying...if you'll just buy a ticket. It occurs to me that there are rows and rows of hangers owned by people who would like to share their passion with someone like you. Same thing at most marinas.
And I just came to find out if I qualify to fly Young Eagles.

Great story! It's amazing how many things in life are dependent on just being in the right place at the right time.

As for Young Eagles, the only requirement is to have a current medical, if not operating as a sport pilot, and be current to carry passengers in whatever plane you're flying. Assuming it's a sanctioned event, insurance coverage for the flights is automatically provided through EAA.

I am doing my first Young Eagle flights next month. I suspect you'd enjoy it immensely, and so would the kids.
Kimberly -

I sure like how your posts are just chock full of infectous enthusiasm. I suspect you could anybody out of a ride in anything. Heck, I'll even take you flying...if you'll just buy a ticket. It occurs to me that there are rows and rows of hangers owned by people who would like to share their passion with someone like you. Same thing at most marinas.

That is so cute but I was invited into this guy's hangar by my friends. Perhaps I should just get up the guts to wander around the airport one weekend. I personally now know about 4-6 people who have a hangar there, who say if I see their door open I'm welcome to say hello.
Great story! It's amazing how many things in life are dependent on just being in the right place at the right time.

As for Young Eagles, the only requirement is to have a current medical, if not operating as a sport pilot, and be current to carry passengers in whatever plane you're flying. Assuming it's a sanctioned event, insurance coverage for the flights is automatically provided through EAA.

I am doing my first Young Eagle flights next month. I suspect you'd enjoy it immensely, and so would the kids.

There are other requirements:

1. Be an EAA national member ($40)

Don't know if you have to be a chapter member, but I am ($30)

2. Private Pilot, like you said, current BFR / Medical / passenger current

3. I *think* you have to have your own insurance, this may not apply if you are renting. They said under $100K you're on your own but over $100K the EAA adds a million on top of that. I have to check my policy

4. (This is just to be nice) you should let your flight school know what you are doing with the plane and keep an eye on it, lots of kids running loose.
Kimberly -

I sure like how your posts are just chock full of infectous enthusiasm. I suspect you could anybody out of a ride in anything. Heck, I'll even take you flying...if you'll just buy a ticket. It occurs to me that there are rows and rows of hangers owned by people who would like to share their passion with someone like you. Same thing at most marinas.

Totally missed this. Buy a ticket to what? It says you are in my area...
Pilatuses / Pilati? are great. I got a flight in a PC-12 once just walking in to the shop at Martin State - they'd finished some work and were going on a maintenance run. The pilot going was a CFI so he gave me some dual and we both got to log PIC.
Pilatuses / Pilati? are great. I got a flight in a PC-12 once just walking in to the shop at Martin State - they'd finished some work and were going on a maintenance run. The pilot going was a CFI so he gave me some dual and we both got to log PIC.

You are way cooler than me, you are THE MAN.

Though I couldn't get 3-4 hours of car rides, a certain POA member did once invite me on very short notice to ride in a plane of similar fanciness. For a dead head flight of like 10 - 20 minutes though, and I couldn't go. Would have been no way for me to get home. Oh well.
Cool story Kimberly. We have Pilatus aircraft that do practice approaches, etc. at our airport. They are cool airplanes. Two weeks ago, there was one doing touch and goes while I was doing touch and goes in a C-150. We made a perfect pair, since I could fly a lot tighter pattern. I think we stayed at the same relative positions for four or five circuits.

Hanging at the airport is good, but I have a lot of other obligations that keep me away from there most of the time. Enjoy it while you can and it is fun.
Cool story Kimberly. We have Pilatus aircraft that do practice approaches, etc. at our airport. They are cool airplanes. Two weeks ago, there was one doing touch and goes while I was doing touch and goes in a C-150. We made a perfect pair, since I could fly a lot tighter pattern. I think we stayed at the same relative positions for four or five circuits.

Hanging at the airport is good, but I have a lot of other obligations that keep me away from there most of the time. Enjoy it while you can and it is fun.

Agreed. You would think a little pattern lap would not excite me anymore. Not true. I couldn't wait to show her my plane. And it really felt like my plane. With the owner always around, even at 9pm I can get a plane without a reservation. I hope to continue my relationship with this company for a LONG time and I've recommended many people to them (earning them money). I was told about their prices by a German couple from POA who I invited to my EAA meeting. If it weren't for them I'd still be at my old school. That was towards the beginning of 2012.
Totally missed this. Buy a ticket to what? It says you are in my area...

Buy a ticket to where would be more like it. BIG airplanes, polished aluminum, with a red and blue stripe. May be merged with another airline, soon. I'll give you the nickel tour if you're on my flight. Mostly SFO-DFW, SFO-ORD.
Any flight in an airplane is a good flight.

I did a maintenance flight a few weeks back that had me bouncing off the ceiling in turbulence at night in IMC... not fun. Then I gave myself a CessnaDivot in the forehead when I landed and walked into the left aileron. Still - a good flight.
Buy a ticket to where would be more like it. BIG airplanes, polished aluminum, with a red and blue stripe. May be merged with another airline, soon. I'll give you the nickel tour if you're on my flight. Mostly SFO-DFW, SFO-ORD.

Is the nickel tour sitting in the cockpit? Or just hi / bye? I'm assuming I can't be up there while it is in flight.
2 weeks ago, I got the offer to get a ride in the EAA B17 from KVNY to Napa. Our chapter coordinated the public rides and our president managed to arrange for a few members to acompany the B17 to Napa and then we would rent a car and drive home. For me it was the offer of a lifetime.. Sadly it did not happen. You see there were only 6 spots available and I was told I had the last one. Well a few hours later I was told sorry, someone else got my spot.. I was bummed to say the least, but the person who got my spot was a kid with Cancer and I could not argue with that...:( I am told I get to go next year. That is if the B17 visits us again. This economy made it tough for us to meet our ride quota...

On the plus side, I work for a company that makes film equipment and one of our customers is a film producer who has a T28 and he owes me a ride as well. I might swing by his hanger tomorrow for a little reminder...;)

Oh and to add insult to injury all the people who went on the B17 to Napa got some time in the seat and logbooks signed...:mad2: LOL

There are other requirements:

1. Be an EAA national member ($40)
Well, yeah. :rolleyes:

Don't know if you have to be a chapter member, but I am ($30)
Not required by EAA, but probably by the local chapter with whom you're doing the YE flights.

2. Private Pilot, like you said, current BFR / Medical / passenger current
Actually, sport pilots are eligible also.

3. I *think* you have to have your own insurance, this may not apply if you are renting. They said under $100K you're on your own but over $100K the EAA adds a million on top of that. I have to check my policy
As I interpret the pilot guidelines from the Young Eagle website, the airplane owner, whether it's the flight school, FBO, club or you, must carry liability coverage for a minimum of $100k per seat. EAA will provide an additional $1 million in passenger liability coverage on top of this.

4. (This is just to be nice) you should let your flight school know what you are doing with the plane and keep an eye on it, lots of kids running loose.

Well, yeah. :rolleyes:
Why? Doesn't she shop or have hobbies, friends, etc?

But, she gets to go away an entire weekend, but if you go to the airport for the day that is irritating to her? Seriously?

Hahaha I said I think she would get irritated. I have never tried.

Anyway, do some of you guys just wander around the airport trying to talk to people? Some of the people I've seen at my airport aren't too friendly looking or willing to stop and chat. Others might be willing to chat. I dunno. I've never tried.
I'd like to offer Kimberly the title of "Honorary Aviation Ambassador of the day" for what she did, unfortunately I don't have the authority to do that beyond this post. Great job and nice post!
Hahaha I said I think she would get irritated. I have never tried.

Anyway, do some of you guys just wander around the airport trying to talk to people? Some of the people I've seen at my airport aren't too friendly looking or willing to stop and chat. Others might be willing to chat. I dunno. I've never tried.

Not yet. I might try but am still a little hesitant. Besides, if I flew on Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday - I'd say I'm busy enough. I might only "wander" if I run out of flying to do. So far the longer I'm a pilot, the more aviation associations I join, the more meetings / events I go to, the more friends I make . . . I'm too busy flying!!!
I'd like to offer Kimberly the title of "Honorary Aviation Ambassador of the day" for what she did, unfortunately I don't have the authority to do that beyond this post. Great job and nice post!

That's really nice of you. What you don't know is that all of you POA members (yes all of you) have an open invite to SFO area.... PM me if you are in town for work / fun and chances are pretty darned good I'll be able to fly you around. Bay Tours are awesome. Sure, I've gotten to the airport with 4 different POA members now and had to cancel (winds gusting to 34, fogged in, etc) but we still make the most of it and see the airport, airplanes, go for lunch, whatever. I've had to cancel with more POA members than I've had to not cancel - but the ones where I have been successful have been a blast. Off the top of my head I think I've flown 6 POA pilots around since last September. We have landed in: Half Moon Bay, Little River, Sacramento, Napa, Novato (Gnoss), Boonville, and Petaluma (Bay Tour).
It sounds like you spend too much money on membership fees and dues!

Agreed, I stopped the 99s and joined the EAA. I may have to keep paying AOPA since I have their renter's insurance and life insurance. I probably won't join the Petaluma group (not sure yet). Otherwise, too many dues.