SnF Notam


Final Approach
Jun 13, 2008
Marietta, GA
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Drake the Outlaw
I know SnF and Osh have to account for most every eventuality, but the NOTAMS for those shows are simply huge. I figure if it needs a table of contents, it is a bit too much for me to leaf through in a high traffic environment.

With that in mind, I downloaded and printed the SnF NOTAM today, then went through and threw away about 20 of the 42 pages that really don't apply to VFR arrivals and departures. That makes it a bit easier to sort through.

Next I went through and read the 10 (?) page arrival procedure, which is the same as last year's procedure, and similar to the 15 years of procedures before that. I boiled the whole thing down to about 10 bullet points, printed that, and added it to the front of the big ol' NOTAM.

Much easier than having to dig through 10 pages of arrival procedures when in half mile trail, and cuts the stress level a bit...
I know SnF and Osh have to account for most every eventuality, but the NOTAMS for those shows are simply huge. I figure if it needs a table of contents, it is a bit too much for me to leaf through in a high traffic environment.

With that in mind, I downloaded and printed the SnF NOTAM today, then went through and threw away about 20 of the 42 pages that really don't apply to VFR arrivals and departures. That makes it a bit easier to sort through.

Next I went through and read the 10 (?) page arrival procedure, which is the same as last year's procedure, and similar to the 15 years of procedures before that. I boiled the whole thing down to about 10 bullet points, printed that, and added it to the front of the big ol' NOTAM.

Much easier than having to dig through 10 pages of arrival procedures when in half mile trail, and cuts the stress level a bit...

I do the same for OSH (Search PoA for "OSH Simplified"), I put the entire thing including the holding procedures into a single-page flowchart...

But SnF is a different animal, and MUCH simpler - Only two runway approaches instead of OSH's five, pretty normal pattern, etc. and the zillion-page NOTAM is a step-by-step how-to with lots of pictures.

And then they read it to you on the ATIS, and the Lake Parker arrival controllers read it to you again, so you really don't even need it. :mad2:

I encourage everyone to use a simpler method, though - Can you share yours?
I did the same as Kyle. It can be condensed to one page. Just review the pics of the landmarks and reduce to one page.
I fly in and out of Oshkosh a dozen times during the show. You get to know the procedure (I'm about 50/50 coming in via the RIPON/FISK transition or via the Warbird approach). Last year was the first year I ever arrived IFR (but it was a couple of days before the NOTAM started).
I encourage everyone to use a simpler method, though - Can you share yours?

I threw the simple procedure away when I was at the airport on Saturday, but it went something like this:

1) Listen to ATIS on ____ when 20 miles out. Lights on.
2) Listen to Lake Parker Arrival on _____.
3) Arrive East of Lake Parker, pick someone to follow, proceed West over the power plant, follow in trail at 1200', 100 knots.
4) Continue due West until I-4.
5) Turn 45 degrees left and follow I-4 until directly North of the terminal building.
6) Turn due South towards the blue roofed terminal building. Switch to Lakeland Tower North on _____.
7) Listen for traffic instructions. Comply.
I threw the simple procedure away when I was at the airport on Saturday, but it went something like this:

1) Listen to ATIS on ____ when 20 miles out. Lights on.
2) Listen to Lake Parker Arrival on _____.
3) Arrive East of Lake Parker, pick someone to follow, proceed West over the power plant, follow in trail at 1200', 100 knots.
4) Continue due West until I-4.
5) Turn 45 degrees left and follow I-4 until directly North of the terminal building.
6) Turn due South towards the blue roofed terminal building. Switch to Lakeland Tower North on _____.
7) Listen for traffic instructions. Comply.

Yep, that's about it! The only thing I see that you missed is transponder off, and I'm sure your original procedure had that too.

The other thing I didn't like about the NOTAM is that they talk about staying between the "cake tower" and the water tower which is a pretty wide area. I ended up going on Google Maps' satellite view to find the buildings at the south end of that leg and then following that north. IMO, after flying the procedure several times last week, what they should say is to turn south at the western edge of the golf course. A southerly track from there goes directly where you're supposed to go and it's fairly easy to see.