Snakes on a plane, MY PLANE!


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Went to put away the airplane this morning and found this little guy sitting right at the edge of the hangar door.


I have seen a bigger one near my hangar, I wonder if that is this guys mama?


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Went to put away the airplane this morning and found this little guy sitting right at the edge of the hangar door.


I have seen a bigger one near my hangar, I wonder if that is this guys mama?

Seal the doors and any possible escape hole and light the hangar on fire!! All of it plane included!!!
Nah, add it to the landing checklist. GUMPSnakes
Probably an FAA drone snake.
Eating the bugs- that's good!
That snake may be about full grown. Lookup brown snake. No not that kind. I had one for a while growing up. It ate earthworms and slugs.
This guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time (under the hangar door when it came down) and I didn't see it.
This guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time (under the hangar door when it came down) and I didn't see it.
I've not seen a milk snake in the wild in about 40 years... I was thinking they were about extinct (kinda hard to be sure from the picture, but it does look like one).
We have 6' bull snakes around our house. They keep mice and bugs down it a minimum, but leave calling cards on my sidewalk. :mad:
We get rattlesnakes battling the squirrels on the sidewalk around here now - the squirrels are completely immune to the venom and the snakes still think they can be killed and eaten - damn they both make a racket. and since this is Calleeforneeah you can't just go outside with a shotgun and put 'em both of of their misery. You gotta call the cops who call animal control and by the time they get there they've both retreated to their respective corners. . .
We get rattlesnakes battling the squirrels on the sidewalk around here now - the squirrels are completely immune to the venom and the snakes still think they can be killed and eaten - damn they both make a racket. and since this is Calleeforneeah you can't just go outside with a shotgun and put 'em both of of their misery. You gotta call the cops who call animal control and by the time they get there they've both retreated to their respective corners. . .

Just another one of the 2,548,213 reasons NOT to live in California,..;):D
The only good snake s a dead snake. Around here they have rattlers and are poisonous.
Almost stepped on this guy last week at my house

I was walking out to my car turned around and came right back. He had slithered out in that 10 seconds. 6' rat snake. Better than rats. And you can see he's well fed.
Almost stepped on this guy last week at my house

I was walking out to my car turned around and came right back. He had slithered out in that 10 seconds. 6' rat snake. Better than rats. And you can see he's well fed.

Those are great to have around. Well until they startle you while you're under the car on a creeper. LOL
We get rattlesnakes battling the squirrels on the sidewalk around here now - the squirrels are completely immune to the venom and the snakes still think they can be killed and eaten - damn they both make a racket. and since this is Calleeforneeah you can't just go outside with a shotgun and put 'em both of of their misery. You gotta call the cops who call animal control and by the time they get there they've both retreated to their respective corners. . .

Wow, never knew squirrels are immune to rattle snake venom. That's odd given that they eat rodents.
Wow, never knew squirrels are immune to rattle snake venom. That's odd given that they eat rodents.

Animals can develop resistance to toxins over time under the right circumstances. Down in South Texas the feral hogs are so bad hunting the snakes, that the rattlers down there have stopped rattling as a warning when they are threatened. Nature adapts to changing conditions.
Animals can develop resistance to toxins over time under the right circumstances. Down in South Texas the feral hogs are so bad hunting the snakes, that the rattlers down there have stopped rattling as a warning when they are threatened. Nature adapts to changing conditions.

Oh geez...........

Now you have exposed the fact evolution is superior to creation.... We are all going to hell now...:yes:;):D
What a cute little serpent. During the spring I have toads come around to the hangar every so often. I always consider it a sign of good luck when I find one. One of the bad things about living in the city is I don't see so many critters.
What a cute little serpent. During the spring I have toads come around to the hangar every so often. I always consider it a sign of good luck when I find one. One of the bad things about living in the city is I don't see so many critters.

I thought you worked on a campus full of them? LOL
We get rattlesnakes battling the squirrels on the sidewalk around here now - the squirrels are completely immune to the venom and the snakes still think they can be killed and eaten - damn they both make a racket. and since this is Calleeforneeah you can't just go outside with a shotgun and put 'em both of of their misery. You gotta call the cops who call animal control and by the time they get there they've both retreated to their respective corners. . .

Squirrel got attacked by a non-venomous serpent. Even the smallest rattler can easily envenom a squirrel. To develop immunity you need to be inoculated. Squirrel gets inoculated with snake venom it gets dead.
Squirrel got attacked by a non-venomous serpent. Even the smallest rattler can easily envenom a squirrel. To develop immunity you need to be inoculated. Squirrel gets inoculated with snake venom it gets dead.

You'd think that, wouldn't you? However, from a Google search, it seems the University of California (and many other references) don't agree:
You'd think that, wouldn't you? However, from a Google search, it seems the University of California (and many other references) don't agree:

First, the dose of venom used in that study was well south of what your average rattlesnake can delver. Second, the Northern Pacific rattlesnake doesn't normally occur as far south as Southern California.

All that said, I do have to admit that rodents can exhibit some degree of immunity to serpent venom. I stand corrected. One learns something new ever day. Northern Pacific rattlesnakes must be sad little things if they can't successfully kill squirrels.
Man, I didn't realize that squirrels were that bad a$$. I'm buying the dachshund a chain gun
If it is - it's not a Dachshund. Oscar has THREE belts for the 242. We had a problem with coyotes in the neighborhood. Had.
Never thought I'd feel bad for a snake. That was brutal
My dad and I used to shoot cottonmouths with a 20 gauge shotgun when I was a teenager... we had a little farm outside Dallas and the place was crawling with them. I hate snakes.

(city girl now!)