- Cool Feature


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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
I know you have all, at one time or another, seen the chunks of charts that displays for selected places;

Well, today, I was looking at a SkyVector map (linked from the most excellent Gaston's Fly-In web site), and when I decided to print it, I discovered something handy. I was unhappy with the size of the map on 8.5x11 paper, figured that was as good as it got, but tried printing onto a legal-sized piece of paper, and - guess what - the map printed grew to fill the available space on the paper (I printed it in landscape mode, so it printed nice and wide).

So, I thought I'd try it on my bigger-format printer, printing to an 11x17 piece of paper- excellent result, it gave a nice big chunk of chart, nicer!

So, tomorrow I plan to try to print on the largest piece of paper my printer can handle, which is (I think, based upon the defined paper sizes) 13x19. Who knows, I might even be able to scale it up to a longer piece of paper (13" is limitation on lateral dimension).

It is what looks to me like some darned-nice programming.
I get the impression he got "more map", not "the same map stretched". i.e., when he went horizontal, he got more E-W coverage.

You are correct, sir. I think I can prove concept with Acrobat, stand by...
...looks like 11x18 is about as good as it gets. Still, a lotta chart for the "price."


  • SkyVector test letter sized paper.pdf
    367.7 KB · Views: 21
  • SkyVector test 13 x 36 paper.pdf
    479 KB · Views: 18
  • SkyVector test 11 x 18 paper.pdf
    478.5 KB · Views: 27
I'm wondering... if you started printing at the far left edge of the chart, would it keep printing to the right on the larger format paper?
Get a 36" wide plotter let us know how that works.
Thanks much! That's good to know- I have a collection of old charts I print when I fly commercial, but not a complete collection since it takes a bit of time to print them up.