Silly? stupid? I don't care!


Pattern Altitude
Jul 6, 2011
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Because what I just had waiting for me in the mailbox was an envelope from the FAA, which inside of it had another envelope from the FAA (I really have no clue why), which inside of it had... a shiny, new, hard plastic square announcing me as a Private Pilot!

And for some inexplicable reason, I am basking in a sense of being rewarded as I look adoringly at the silly card with my name on it. I mean, shoot, I've been exercising the privilege for almost a month now... yet getting this thing just somehow renewed the whole darn sense of accomplishment for me. Heh.
Congrats! Its a great feeling isn't it?

Funny thing is, When I got my ground instructor certificate in the mail, when I saw something from the FAA, my first reaction was, "uh oh... whatd i do..."
Congrats! Its a great feeling isn't it?

Funny thing is, When I got my ground instructor certificate in the mail, when I saw something from the FAA, my first reaction was, "uh oh... whatd i do..."


You know what's really funny? that was precisely my reaction too... especially when I opened the first officious looking envelope and there was another one inside.

You know what's really funny? that was precisely my reaction too... especially when I opened the first officious looking envelope and there was another one inside.

I damn near crap my pants every time I get an envelope from the FAA.
FAA letters have always cost me money, time, and at least a little sweat, sometimes a lot of sweat. Those FAA letters are much like a slot machine, every once in a great while they will give you something good to keep your interest so you will keep foolishly opening them.

Then every once in a very great while they will get you hooked completely by letting you have the jackpot. After that, you never find yourself tossing FAA letters without opening them.

Congratulations on getting your little piece of green plastic. For the next few years, whenever you open your wallet, it will be positioned so that it is the first thing visible.

That little piece of plastic is my most prized possession. (Not yours, mine) :wink2:
Congratulations on getting your little piece of green plastic. For the next few years, whenever you open your wallet, it will be positioned so that it is the first thing visible.


Flip open the portion of my wallet that holds the driver licence and right below it is my pilot certificate. Two very important documents. :D
Flip open the portion of my wallet that holds the driver licence and right below it is my pilot certificate. Two very important documents. :D

Flip open MY wallet, and you see my pilot certificate. and right BELOW that, is my drivers license.
