Service Bulletin, What do I do?


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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I received a service bulletin in the mail the other day for my Warrior. This is the first one I have gotten. In it I am supposed to check the engine fuel pump and verify the part number and date code. I have the part number of the affected pumps but my date code does not appear on the list. Do i enter this into the engine log that I did the inspection and was found not to be affected or do I just make a note somewhere else?

If it is a service bulletin, and you're not maintaining the bird for Part 135 operations or otherwise bound to adhere to all SBs, it is a non-issue as far as the logs are concerned. If it was an Airworthiness Directive, you would have to examine the compliance time, and depending on that compliance time, a log entry would have to be made either stating that the AD did apply, and required actions were taken to comply with it, or you would need a statement on the AD compliance list indicating that the AD did not apply (along with supporting information on why it did not apply). If you are bound to comply with SBs, then you'd need to take similar actions as described for an AD.

Even if not required, I would verify whether or not it applies, and then decide what action should be taken, if any, and in what time frame.

Jeff Oslick said:
Even if not required, I would verify whether or not it applies, and then decide what action should be taken, if any, and in what time frame.


I verified it does not comply. It is the action that I am inquiring about. I only fly part 91.
I haven't checked mine yet but when I do, I will make a log entry stating that the SB was complied with. I will also add the code number in question to the overhaul entry next to the pump part number.
smigaldi said:
I verified it does not comply. It is the action that I am inquiring about. I only fly part 91.

You did more than you are required to do (Part 91). Task complete.
smigaldi said:
I received a service bulletin in the mail the other day for my Warrior. This is the first one I have gotten. In it I am supposed to check the engine fuel pump and verify the part number and date code. I have the part number of the affected pumps but my date code does not appear on the list. Do i enter this into the engine log that I did the inspection and was found not to be affected or do I just make a note somewhere else?


Like most of the recent ones, it doesn't apply if you didnt get a Lycoming engien or overhaul in the last 5 years.