Selling David Clarke H10-30 head set


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 14, 2015
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Hey everyone, hope you are all having a great day. I was a student pilot using the GI bill to pay for my flight training but I ran out of GI bill. So I won't be flying for a while and decided to sell my David Clarke H10-30 head set. This thing is in like new condition, I always cleaned and stored them in a well ventilated area and only used them for a few flights.

If anyone is interested I posted them on Craig's list (I know probably not the best place to post something like this lol)

Feel free to email me at

I am flexible in the pricing.
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Any body? I am willing to be pretty flexible in pricing.

I know I don't have many posts on this site so it may seem suspicious but I am in fact a real person lol. I went to HOVA flight school at Broward county college and ran out of GI bill to continue my flight training so I need to sell this asap as money is a little tight for now.
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