Seen a drone around? Anyone? Bueller?

129 Air Force drone accidents in over 15 years. 9.31 per 100,000 hours. The V-22 is in second place at 6.33. I thought EAB was high. Obama signed legislation directing the FAA to develop a plan by Sept. 30, 2015 for integrating drones into the national airspace...spying maybe? Put an F-16 pilot in a sofa, take away much his senses while "flying" complicated and relatively new designs...I can't wait to fly up there with them.
I spy, with my one good eye;

A thing beginning with D!
Drone crashes are surprising to you? These pilots are the true "weekend" warriors. They go home at the end of the day. If they crash, they just put another quarter in the slot an play again.

In fact, there are a number of missions where they've decided that losing the unmanned vehicle is an acceptable loss and fly it beyond the point where it can be recovered.
It was more fun when the sheeple were running wildly about and bellowing "ALIENS!"