SanAntone! (hey Bill!)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Here's few pics of todays trip:
Our mission (",Jim, should you decide to accept it") was to deliver the CJ for phase checks (it's on progressive mx) to the Cessna center on the E side of the field at KSAT, and return in the Conquest... somehow I wrangled left seat both ways! I was a glad pup today, I must say.
The mexican ranchhand has named these airplane the Paloma Blanca (White Dove) and the Panza Negra (Black Belly). Pretty accurate descriptions.
As much as I love the Paloma Blanca I have a special place in my heart for the Panza Negra. What a neato airplane. Power out the whazoo for a twin!! Compared to a piston twin... Zooom! Excess HP. Because of this, when adding power for takeoff it is very twitchy left and right if you don't put in power slowly, evenly. Nice to have autofeather, takes a lot of sweat out of it. Many vague similarities to the CJ. A few extra knobs and switches to learn. 270kts in cruise. I don't think I will ever get a hurray on landing though. When you pull power back the blades seem to go flat suddenly and you drop like a stone. Very hard to stabilize the last stages of the approach and the landing. But reverse is kind of cool, who needs brakes? (hope I don't accidentally try reverse in the CJ now; over the horn kills the engines!)
Anyway it was a beautiful day for flying and I hope those who were unable enjoy my story!

1 On Rwy 12L waiting for TO clearance
2 Climbing away from SAT
3 Instrument panel
4 more dials and knobs
5 This grin is going to last a long time
6 View from the LS
7 Descent below sct layer
8 You fly it, you fill it.
Nice, Dave...

One of these times when you're coming here (and have time), I'll buy you lunch or dinner.

Great pics Dave. Likewise: if you get near Addison, lots of restaurants nearby!!

Let'sgoflying! said:
8 You fly it, you fill it.

I'm so jealous.

BTW, that fuel truck looks awfully similar to a Lincoln Town Car or something similar:D.
Thanks guys I am glad I can share the story and pics with you like-minded aviators, only wish I could include some video to get the real feel for it.
Lance, the car is our tow cart - its the most mickey-mouse part of the whole operation. I prefer to get dirty fuelling and servicing the airplane while leaving the scary, risky ground-jockeying to someone else.
ps rumors float that they might send me to Flight Safety this year in the turboprop, I am ga-ga with excitement!