Richard Bach, A Gift of Wings


Pattern Altitude
Apr 7, 2005
Lincoln, NE
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I have an extra copy of "A Gift of Wings" I'd like to pass around. Anyone interested?
I'm interested, if no one else has asked...
excellent book, especially "School for Perfection"
Jack, I'll bring it to work. Just stop by sometime and I'll give it to you.
Cool! I drive past KLNK except when I'm at UNL lately. May be a couple of days though.
excellent book, especially "School for Perfection"
Perhaps my affection for cats is part of it but that can't be the only reason the story titled "Cat" gives me a chill/thrill every time I read it.

BTW, quite a long time ago I suggested to Kimberly that Kimberly read the story titled "Let's Not Practice" in that book after she related having to deal with an engine problem in the air (with her CFI) during training. Now's her chance to follow up on that.
Perhaps my affection for cats is part of it but that can't be the only reason the story titled "Cat" gives me a chill/thrill every time I read it.

BTW, quite a long time ago I suggested to Kimberly that Kimberly read the story titled "Let's Not Practice" in that book after she related having to deal with an engine problem in the air (with her CFI) during training. Now's her chance to follow up on that.

Maybe when Jack is done with it he can PM me, and I'll send him an envelope with pre paid postage to come back to me. That is if it's ok with the OP.