

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 13, 2005
Bolingbrook, IL
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Bruce C
Well, it's come to it. A tempest in a teapot centering about heavy handed moderation and so it's out in the open.

For anyone interested, I will not be participating here any longer. For the time being I'll be over at the association site until I have another venue. The moderators have to all follow the rules.

Thank you all.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Good bloody grief!

Why does this kind of nonsense keep having to happen?

I am not amused. :mad:

:( :( :(
Dr. Bruce! :dunno::dunno:

One of the deciding factors from switching from both the Red and Blue board to just here on the blue board was you and your amazing and informative posts.

I'm sorry to hear this, let's keep in touch via Email.

Whoa Bruce! Guess I missed something on the PoA board. WTF happened?

Email me directly if it cannot be discussed here. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Any webboard is only as valuable as it's posts. Dr. Chien, you have made some very valuable posts. I can only ask that you (or they) would reconsider this decision and those events which have brought you to this point.


Bruce, sorry to see this. Thanks for all your contributions.
Dr. Bruce...I hate to see you go away. I've enjoyed your posts and your remarkable willingness to assist fellow aviators with your medical acumen. Please let us know where you land; I'm sure many will follow you. I mean this - you were key to the reason many came to this forum.

:( I think someone has some 'splainin' to do ... :(
Bruce I'd hazard 99% of the people have no idea what is going on - I sure don't.

I hate to lose anyone, but I understand that in all relationships you can come across bad spells - however its possible with patience and kindness on all sides we might get past these times.
Let's talk about it; or can you make a suggestion on how we can not lose your presence.

Why must you be a moderator? Can't you just stay here as one of the posters? Don't understand why you need to get in the middle of stuff.

oh for cryin' out loud - is it just not possible for people to stop being so very damned precious and tender and just let stuff work it's way through without kicking up such a fuss that people like Bruce (who has been one of the most helpful people I've EVER seen on ANY board!!!) feel like it's not worth hanging around? And yeah, that's a long sentence.

Reckon I'll see you on the other board, Bruce. I surely hope so.

Oh, yeah, I'll also be faxing that hearing test! (no, I NEVER said I'm organized!_
Diana said:
Well, the pendulum justs keeps swinging. The red board is getting more tolerable after it's restructuring and the blue board gets more restrictive. Some of us don't need more moderation or to be treated like children. I'm with Bruce on this and won't be here much longer. I hope we can find a happy medium somewhere out there. I hope to see you there. :)
Diana, what are you talking about, you gonna' jump too? I guess I missed something because I really don't understand this.

I thought this place was the place. If this board can't cut it, none will. Auwe
Richard said:
Diana, what are you talking about, you gonna' jump too? I guess I missed something because I really don't understand this.

I thought this place was the place. If this board can't cut it, none will. Auwe

Yea, I dont get it either, maybe i missed something over the last few days.
Well Bruce i will ad my $.02, I will sadly miss your posts,and if you do find a new home will probably see you there. I really dont know what happened but i figure that it must have been something to cause this to happen,when you find somewhere let us know so we can stillhave your Great Advise.And I'll probably see you at some Fly-in and you can explain what happened
Thanks Again Dave G.
Bruce, I Trust you know what's best.. sorry to see you go..
See the Site Admin forum

The Site Admin forum has a very generalized explanation (I think) of what happened.

All in all, I don't think it was a very good idea for Dr. Chein to have been the moderator of the Medical forum, he being one of the main contributors. A moderator has a difficult job anyway and must be willing to admonish those who need it and to cut those threads that are out of bounds so that there can be civil discourse. I think "ruthless" and "hardhearted" sometimes would be a good job description for a Moderator, but fair of course, and forgiving when appropriate.

I'm sorry to see Dr. Chien leave. He's going back to a board where there is MUCH more strife than here, although for now most of it is confined to one forum, and only a single moderator.
Re: See the Site Admin forum

tparsons said:
The Site Admin forum has a very generalized explanation (I think) of what happened.

If this is the thread regarding the resurrected Medical Matters topic then I agree with whoever ended it. And most of the posters who responded also agreed.

Why, if there is a disagreement between a poster and a moderator, does the moderator have to resign? If one disgruntled poster can chase away a founding father and moderator then I think we have placed the cart before the horse.

Even if I disagreed, which I don't, one has to look at things in a balance. One moderator action which I may have disagreed with vs. a thousand helpful responses and posts?? Come on....the scales don't come close...grow a thicker skin!

Are you happy now?? :no:
Re: See the Site Admin forum

bstratt said:
If this is the thread regarding the resurrected Medical Matters topic then I agree with whoever ended it. And most of the posters who responded also agreed.

Why, if there is a disagreement between a poster and a moderator, does the moderator have to resign? If one disgruntled poster can chase away a founding father and moderator then I think we have placed the cart before the horse.

Even if I disagreed, which I don't, one has to look at things in a balance. One moderator action which I may have disagreed with vs. a thousand helpful responses and posts?? Come on....the scales don't come close...grow a thicker skin!

Are you happy now?? :no:


I think people complaining about 'heavy handed moderation' have no clue what heavy handed moderation really is.

Shame that grown-up professional adults cannot resolve this amicably and privately, and have to resort to 'I'm going away and taking my ball with me'.

Sheesh, wasn't a large part of POA's birth due to a certain person leaving the Red Board in the first place ?
No idea what precipitated this. Hard to see how something in the medical area could start such an uproar. Hanger talk, sure, but medical?????
I hate to say it, because I respect Doc. Bruce immensely, but I will not ever consider the red board to be of the useful quality that this board has. I post over there from time to time with joke posts that don't mean much, but this board is where all the useful info comes from.

There's too much fighting over there. I don't understand the complaint about moderating. People left the old AOPA forums because it was unmoderated and out of control. This board has always had what AOPA's board didn't.

I don't understand how locking an old thread causes this many people to get upset. I don't understand it, and I never will. Anyone notice that AOPA has locked about 5 threads themselves (if not more that I missed).
I am very confused as well,
Dr. Bruce, you have been nothing but great to this site in my own opinion. I hate to see you go.
I'm sure you will find somewhere else and when you do that is where i want to be.
Dr. Bruce;

I feel the way Rudy above feels. As on older pilot I feel a great loss. You have helped so many of us. You are such an "Foundation" to the new pilots and a reassuring voice to us older pilots. I cannot say thank you enough. Gosh I hope I can read your insites and words of wisdom soon.

Thank you

John J
We pilots can always use the valuable input from a highly experienced and articulate CFII/AME such as yourself and I hope to see you posting again here soon, for the benefit of all pilots.

Besides, what would you do with all that free time anyway ?
Unregistered said:
This thread is off topic and will be closed.

While I think unregistered was joking, that person makes a good point tho. We can't be leanient in one case and not in another. This thread really doesn't belong in Medical Matters, as it is most definitely a Hangar Talk thread.
NickDBrennan said:
While I think unregistered was joking, that person makes a good point tho. We can't be leanient in one case and not in another. This thread really doesn't belong in Medical Matters, as it is most definitely a Hangar Talk thread.
Ironic, isn't it?

It won't hurt to stay here until Monday.
Doc Bruce is a good, generous and giving man of his time, knowledge and expertise. I would advise the moderators too seek further diplomacy in regards to settleing this matter.

It's like losing the best rifleman in your you can expect another squadmember to take a hit because of this.

Doc Bruce, you have my utter respect. It's not often I see people give so much of themselves.
I get "unregistered"s joke - but really, this thread does belong either in HT or in "Site Feedback". In an effort to keep Medical Matters remaining on topic and on focus, I'm moving it to Site Feedback.
OK, given that this is now in Site Feedback.

I hope that the Adminstrators of this board are sufficiently mature to talk to Dr. Chien and work to bring him back here. His advice and even his presence here are a significant part of the value of this board.

Clearly, there has been a misunderstanding here. It should be remedied.
To my knowledge, their resignation pertains only to their function as members of the Management Council. It is certainly our hope that both Dr. Chein and Mr. Ibold will continue to be users and posters on this forum, as they both bring immesurable knowledge and wisdom to the table.
Ken AND Bruce?! Jeez! I'll miss you both. Hopefully you stay on as posters, too bad if you are leaving as moderators. Both of you have had much in the way of involvement with the direction this board has taken so far. I remind you that both of you have been subjected to significant abuse elsewhere. I'm really sorry if this board has not worked for you. It always seems such a peaceful place.

Thanks for all the personal help, Bruce. Your input on a couple of occasions has been of immeasurable value.

Jim G
Bruce: I am VERY sorry to hear this. I hope that you will reconsider! you gave good no nonsense advice in medical issues.:(
AdamZ said:
Bruce: I am VERY sorry to hear this. I hope that you will reconsider! you gave good no nonsense advice in medical issues.:(

Dr. Bruce gives good no nonsense advice in all areas of aviation. When I started flying three years ago he never hesitated to offer help on a couple things I had trouble with. He's an asset.