Relaxing day


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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Between work, vehicle and aircraft issues I had a pretty rough week. With that being said... boy did I have a fantastically relaxing day today. I can't remember the last time I felt this calm. I slept in and grabbed a couple beers to head to the hangar to clean up the plane. I didn't feel much like flying (and the beers made me stay grounded) since my night flight last night discovered a couple more avionics issues :eek: to contribute to my crappy week.

Anyway, weather was perfect in the mid 70's all day and I just opened up the hangar door and slowly and lackadaisically cleaned both the hangar and the plane. I turned my handheld onto unicom and also put the radio on to fill the silence. It is incredibly therapeutic to clean an airplane... I even found scrubbing the belly to be relaxing today. I put on a couple upgrades I had been meaning to do as well as removing a couple things and just became incredibly productive.

Since I live in the country, it was all topped off with a beautiful sunset drive home with the sunrays hitting all of the barns and silos just right. Just what the doctor ordered.

Nice relaxing day of cleaning.
Cleaning an aircraft is a true labor of love.