Reflections on AOPA expo


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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A few small impressions:

* Aspen Avionics is my favorite new drool-worthy aftermarket avionics stuff.

* Piper is stupid and is going to get bought out by someone or die, probably within the next 5 years.

* Everyone seems to be happy about the Cessna-Columbia merger.

* The Comp Air 12 is the fugliest new airplane to come out in quite a while.

* I want a LoPresti Fury.

* Diamond has a lot of people's interest - People were still crawling all over their airplanes at the last minute of the show while other vendors were already packing up.

* Cirrus has a real winner on their hands with the-jet. It's cool, it's versatile, and the ergonomics alone make you want one as soon as you sit in it. They're gonna make a killing.

* I still like running into random Pilotcast fans. :)

* Mooney would probably sell a lot more airplanes if they sprung for a booth up front rather than buried behind the concession stand.

* Garmin needs to come out with a new handheld if they want to sell much.

* It's nicer to talk with vendors when you can spend a bit more time with them and the crowds aren't invading (OSH). Not that I wouldn't rather go to OSH anyway.
Some additional thoughts...

* The DA50 is a real knockout! My only question is how well that engine will hold up. Otherwise, she's a beauty.

* I, too, want a Swift Fury. And a Grand Caravan Oasis. And a Silver Eagle Centurion. And a new Champ. And a Pilatus PT6 on floats. And a Malibu Matrix (yeah I know, but wait for the next one, and the next)

* Piper is dying a slow death I think. The choice to compete in the quasi-VLJ market instead of LSA is the wrong one. They know nothing about jets. They know light aircraft.

* At first I thought the Malibu Matrix was stupid. Then I realized it is the new Saratoga. Real load, 6 pax, non-pressurized. Makes lots of sense on that score. Too bad fuel burn is 22gph in a $5 100LL world. Nice cross country traveller though.

* Those exhibitors will talk your ears off if you even glance at them.

* Most LSA seats consist of a thin layer of fabric, a thin layer of padding, and another thin layer of fabric. I've sat on more comfortable stone benches.

* That eFlyBook or whatever it's called is nothing short of a miracle. There's nothing to it. It's so thin and light I'd ALMOST consider getting one. Not much thicker or heavier than a piece of paper, and it'll replace books and books of charts. Interesting.
* The DA50 is a real knockout! My only question is how well that engine will hold up. Otherwise, she's a beauty.

And I fit! :D

I like the extra headroom of the new DA40XLS and DA40CS too. :yes:

* That eFlyBook or whatever it's called is nothing short of a miracle. There's nothing to it. It's so thin and light I'd ALMOST consider getting one. Not much thicker or heavier than a piece of paper, and it'll replace books and books of charts. Interesting.

Ah, crud. I meant to stop by because I still felt at OSH as if they needed a few key upgrades before it'd be a viable solution and they were supposed to have some of them done by now (zooming out so you can see the whole plate, etc.)

Of course, you can buy a LOT of paper plates for the cost of that thing, and it hasn't yet made it to the point where I look at and say "I've gotta get me one o' those." :no:
I only took a quick look, but I do remember having to scroll to see the whole plate. I did think that seemed like an unnecessary hassle. If you're going to show the plate, show the whole thing. Plus, you'd need to strap a little light to it, since they can't use backlighting on the screen. So, two minor inconveniences on an otherwise convenient item.

$1500 for the device (includes 6mos of updates I believe). There is a price for convenience!!!!!
My observation:

Every flight school that was there was dying to hire instructors.
I didn't stop at Mesa, but I did see the large banner saying something like, "250hrs? No Problem!"

I'd be mighty nervous if my flight crew had fewer hours than I do.
Piper always seems to get kicked around, but somehow they just keep plugging along. There was a time when they and Maule were the only ones making a four place f/g airplane. They soldiered through some horrible ownership and really bad markets.

I keep waiting for them to announce a new line of light singles...
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Piper might have survived when there were only a couple of guys in the game, but it seems everyone wants a part of that market and Piper is paying for it. What they need is a good light aircraft like a cub (again) and an updated trainer line.
The new guys to market are using composites, wizzbang electronics, and slick lines. Piper is exactly the same bird going back to cherokee. Nothing wrong with it except there isn't any "jazz".
I'd take a new Piper but I doubt selling to me alone will help.
Hello, New here.
Just looking at the remarks about Piper. I think they did the wrong thing to let the Cub get away from them. With the new LSA coming on the scene, a Cub meeting the requirements should be great. I'm not sure everyone will want whiz-bang glass cockpit etc.

I wasen't impressed.......but you already know that..!!