Reason #78590721805 why my fiancée is awesome...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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We're sitting on the couch the other day and she says to me, "Someday, we will own an airplane. We may have to live in a smaller house and drive older cars, but we WILL get the airplane you want."

Somebody pinch me! :)

Settin' the hook! :D



Reminds me of when I said I wanted to buy an airplane - told CJane, who asked, "What are you gonna get?"

I said, "I don't know, maybe a Comanche, 210, Mooney, Bonanza..."

Celia (with very direct look in her eyes): "Spike: Bonanza. Definitely, Bonanza."

What could I say?

So, I agree with you, Kent, and she's doin' alright too!
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It's love, or insanity. Either way, she's a keeper.
KEEPER!!!!! On our second date I took my wife-to-be out in a rented 182. She was speechless and smiled the entire time. (Flying out of Corpus Christi up the coast.) She told me; "you should have your own plane." After 33 years she still loves to fly.
My little teacher wife told me that 24 yrs ago too. 1,960 sq ft, 13 and 11 yr old cars. Yes it is doable with a budget and patience.
Wow, you got a real keeper! I already had the planes, the wife came into this knowing she would be gone before the planes are, and she's ok with that. Not sure if I should be worried or not...

What does she want in return?

...the ring!

One of my favorite quote I heard...(may have been here somewhere)...What is the difference between man and women on their wedding day? The man hopes the woman will NEVER change and the woman tries to change the man RIGHT AWAY!
All I can say is close the deal fast. After the first kid arrives, all the rules change.

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Wow! You can cut the cynicism here with a knife!

Kent, I've had the same keeper of a wife for 28 years -- plus nine more dating. We've had two kids together, plus four businesses, countless jobs, and four airplanes. She's my co-pilot, and I am hers.

And we're still in love. It happens every day -- and it sounds like you've got one, too! Congratulations!
I told the lady at MBNA when I was financing my plane that I was buying it jointly with my fiancée. She said she didn't think that was a good idea. I pointed out if her name wasn't also on the plane, there wasn't going to be an airplane.

When we needed a new prop, my wife went back to work.
It all changes once you feed her wedding cake.....
Wow! You can cut the cynicism here with a knife!

Kent, I've had the same keeper of a wife for 28 years -- plus nine more dating. We've had two kids together, plus four businesses, countless jobs, and four airplanes. She's my co-pilot, and I am hers.

And we're still in love. It happens every day -- and it sounds like you've got one, too! Congratulations!

I have a keeper wife and we have been going for 36 years. I crossed girls off my list if they wouldn't go flying with me (or their dads wouldn't let them). But a few years ago I made the mistake of showing my wife this picture where 2 folks died, one of whom she knew the family. Now she is too scared to go up, even though I am careful in the pattern when I approach to landing.

If you up to reason 78590721805 you need to marry her quick :)
Wow! You can cut the cynicism here with a knife!

Kent, I've had the same keeper of a wife for 28 years -- plus nine more dating. We've had two kids together, plus four businesses, countless jobs, and four airplanes. She's my co-pilot, and I am hers.

And we're still in love. It happens every day -- and it sounds like you've got one, too! Congratulations!


Congrats, Kent and sorry we missed you at Wings - was looking forward to meeting you both!
Eddie Murphy has a comedy routine where he talks of marrying a submissive girl from another country. He brings her home, marries her, and after a while she says, "Eddie, I want half".

I hope that you can work things out with your fiancée after a couple of years of marriage. Things tend to have a different dynamic then, the love is different.
Funny my wife said please get an airplane if it will keep you out of the house all day:rofl:

Seriously sounds like a great woman Kent. Sorry I did not get to meet her at the FlyBQ.
Wife said the same thing. Then we decided to have kids....

She is still on board, but unfortunately, its not that easy when you have an open beak crying for worms all day - as awesome as they are, the little buggers are expensive!
Wife said the same thing. Then we decided to have kids....

She is still on board, but unfortunately, its not that easy when you have an open beak crying for worms all day - as awesome as they are, the little buggers are expensive!

I gave up flying for more than 20 years because of 4 expensive buggers! But I am grateful for the family!:yesnod:
I have a keeper wife and we have been going for 36 years. I crossed girls off my list if they wouldn't go flying with me (or their dads wouldn't let them). But a few years ago I made the mistake of showing my wife this picture where 2 folks died, one of whom she knew the family. Now she is too scared to go up, even though I am careful in the pattern when I approach to landing.

Whatever you do, don't show her any car accident pictures.

Or mall shootings.

Or people that tripped while hiking the Grand Canyon.

She may never leave the house again.
Whatever you do, don't show her any car accident pictures.

Or mall shootings.

Or people that tripped while hiking the Grand Canyon.

She may never leave the house again.

Well at least the laundry and cleaning would stand a better chance of being done when he got home. :D
If you up to reason 78590721805 you need to marry her quick :)

Definitely. :)


Congrats, Kent and sorry we missed you at Wings - was looking forward to meeting you both!

Likewise! Thanks! We'll get out that way sooner or later.

Wife said the same thing. Then we decided to have kids....

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out the math there. ;) However, I'd like to have the plane by the time the kids are in school - There are so many things that are better learned in person. Learning about the US Government? Let's go to DC this weekend. Learning about the Revolutionary War? Well, let's head out to Massachusetts. I know that I hated history in school because it was all a bunch of boring crap in a book. Now, I love it because I can go and see where it happened. I want my kids to have those experiences.
Try being married to someone who sells insurance for a living. She made sure to up my coverage before I took my checkride.
Good for you Kent. Look forward to meeting her when up that way again. Or, should say visiting more.


don't fall for it. get your toys BEFORE getting married and get some extra ones so you can meet on the middle later.

when we got married I had 2 cars, 2 motorcycles, 1 boat, 2 antique tractors, and 3 airplanes (one of which flew).

3 years into marriage I had one airplane and one car.
Nope. I can afford to own it, I just can't afford to buy it. :(

Hold off getting married and secure the mooney first. If she truly loves you a ring on the finger doesn't matter and she will be happy because you are happy.
Here is my tip. Buy 1 before you get married to her and have kids....
don't fall for it. get your toys BEFORE getting married and get some extra ones so you can meet on the middle later.

when we got married I had 2 cars, 2 motorcycles, 1 boat, 2 antique tractors, and 3 airplanes (one of which flew).

3 years into marriage I had one airplane and one car.

When I got married to my 2nd wife, I had an RV, 4 cars and 1 motorcyle. Today we have an RV, 5 cars, 2 motorcyles, 2 boats, 5 race cars, 1 tractor and 1 plane. Sometimes it is better when you are married.

My first wife was a PIA, that is why she is my 1st wife.