Reality and a reset


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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As some of you had seen, my partner and I were looking at Cherokee Six's as potential airplanes for ownership. He wanted (wanted!) a real 4 seat plus bags and clubs type of an airplane.

He originally put together a spreadsheet of anticipated costs, and I then significantly revised it upward before posting it here for review by all y'all. (been living in the south too long!) And you all revised it upwards a good bit again, and that is good, as we all want to know the honest true costs of ownership.

Well, when you balance purchase price, overhaul costs, and fuel costs, that last revision of the spreadsheet caused my partner to cry uncle, and he has realized that for what he wants to spend, a 4 seat 4 cyl airplane is more in line with the financials, if not the expectations.

Thus, we're now going down the road to look for a good M20F or M20J Mooney. This actually pleases me, as we'll get a much faster, more efficient bird, and my requirements are me, wife, and 4 year old daughter, and an F or J will do just dandy with that mission.

So, expect Mooney questions over the next few months. Our goal is to be owning a good plane by Gastons or sooner.
If you need me to test fly it for a year or two to ensure it is safe for you. Let me know.

I mean.. All I want is for you, your wife, and daughter to be safe.
jangell said:
If you need me to test fly it for a year or two to ensure it is safe for you. Let me know.

I mean.. All I want is for you, your wife, and daughter to be safe.

If I buy a plane I'll fly up to the mid-west and visit all of you guys!
I'm not a Mooney man, although my plane is oft mistaken for one, but I think you're making a wise choice.

Just be careful of that spike that goes into some Mooney pilots' head when the door closes. :)
There is no ride like a Mooney. 1000 hours in Fs and Js :)

bbchien said:
There is no ride like a Mooney. 1000 hours in Fs and Js :)

I don't have near the experience Bruce does - I've only flown a Mooney once (Ed's M20J in April 2005) but I *really* liked it. After five straight greasers at LNS, Ed even let me land it back at S37 which is significanly smaller than I'm used to.

It's got lots of legroom for us tall guys, and is quite efficient. I think the biggest drawback was the position of the fuel selector, it was kinda hard to reach for me IIRC. I'd love to own one though. :yes: