Real or Fake?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 16, 2008
Sands Point, NY
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John K.
Got this in my in box today. I've never seen a SST in TWA livery. It also looks like the old Boeing mock up too which I believe never flew, not a Concord version . Quick search on Google shows no other pictures of it in the boneyard. If real, how did it get there?
If this thread was posted in Hangar Talk, I feel that it would have gone a completely different direction. :)
The whole "SST" phase was cool. Boeing's 2707-200 was radical.. over 300 feet long, sweeping wings.. it was, or would have been, an absolute beast. If I had Elon Musk or B.Gates kind of money I think I'd just have someone custom build me something like this. Maybe not full size, maybe not supersonic, but damn, how freaking cool?!

..I know it's an artist rendering, but I couldn't find any good photos of the original designs
TWA once held orders to buy Concorde, but that never happened.

Braniff through a (pained) partnership with BA, flew Concorde subsonic into DFW around 1979-1980 timeframe.