RC video

Oy vey! How confusing must that be to fly! I love that he has a six pack painted on the panel...I wonder if it's IFR certified?
That's pretty remarkable. I'm sure it's not a cheap construction project.
Wow, that is awesome! Heck, having a live video feed from an R/C airplane would be cool enough, but this guy's got the whole VR thing going on with the goggles and gyroscopes (and motors on the camera).

I bet with all that time and $$ he could have learned to fly real planes. ;)
I fly a RC heli and want to put a camera on the skids. I seen video of it being done before just with a cell phone....but things get hairy when you receive a call:). Also my heli is a small Blade CP that flys good but not in the catagory of lifting more than itself.
Thanks Steve. That looks like Fort Rucker, I flew out of Lowe Field with the AF guys. Never really talked to them much but they had some of the few Hueys at Rucker. You can see a stage field with the short "runways"....and Panama City Beach. It looks like they go through the same training as we (poor Army folk) do. Thanks again for the great video...
Thats pretty cool! I think you would have to get used to it if your susceptible to motion sickness. Although I do wonder if you could use that as a helper/transition tool for those with a fear of heights or flying. It's definitely more realistic than a home flight simulator.
That's incredible! I would love to know how much all that ran him. Sure he could have learned to fly real planes, but like this there is no medical, and you still get all the great views, and without feeling the pinch of escalating fuel costs :)
One of my RC friends did the same sort of thing. I have a video of one of the early versions.. he has since improved the system quite a bit. (he works for a UAV company)

I could lay down in the back of his truck with the goggles and fly the plane. After a little bit I was quite comfortable and doing aerobatics etc. It's very similar to a flight sim since you are just looking at the horizon line for a reference.

You can see a video I made here:


Skip ahead two minutes for the airplane cam stuff. Some pretty intense flying and a good crash right into the receiving antenna at the end (you can see the antenna pop off the pole!)