RC Allen?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 11, 2019
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I'm considering replacing my gyros and eliminating the vacuum system and I'm seeking input from those who have used RC Allen instruments. A high end IFR GPS is not in my plans, and probably will never be for this aircraft. I don't feel I need the added features of the G5's.

As a result, I'm considering the RC Allen 1510 and 2610. I realize there is no cost savings with the instrument itself, but install cost is markedly cheaper.

Has anyone used these instruments, and if you have, what are your thoughts?
I'm guessing the chirping crickets means they are not popular. o_O
Nothing except for the fact that they're not shipping yet?
I've used the 2610 in the sense that it's installed in my plane to replace my old electric backup AI and TC. I've not used it as the airplane still seems to be missing an engine. It looks really pretty.
@murphey . . . didn’t you pull one of these when you upgraded to G5’s?
I'm considering replacing my gyros and eliminating the vacuum system and I'm seeking input from those who have used RC Allen instruments. A high end IFR GPS is not in my plans, and probably will never be for this aircraft. I don't feel I need the added features of the G5's.

As a result, I'm considering the RC Allen 1510 and 2610. I realize there is no cost savings with the instrument itself, but install cost is markedly cheaper.

Has anyone used these instruments, and if you have, what are your thoughts?

I recently installed the 3" digital horizon and heading indicators in my 1956 Cesna 172 to replace the venturi vacuum system. Waiting on the 337 approval at the moment. I didn't realize just because they're TSO'd doesn't mean they're approved for install...learning the hard way.
I put a used 2600 in as a backup to a pair of G5’s so I could get rid of the vacuum. The older unit is no longer supported, but I sent it in for a bench check to the extremely helpful RC Allen folks.

So far so good. Simple and works.