Rant, sorta, from the other perspective.

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
Okay, so, I've been working this job for a little over two years. Started out as a Burger Girl and have just been promoted to shift manager. I mean hey, this place is no Morton's but it isn't McDonalds either. I kind of like this location. Yuppieville for sure, but generally nice people and no seedy elements. Okay so there is this one customer right, he rides here on his bike every Saturday. I've seen him three or four times. They say he always orders the same thing - a lettuce wrapped double cheesburger and a side salad. No croutons.

Well he was chilling at his favorite table outside with his bike, so, I decided to be managerial and ask him how his burger was. "So, how was that burger?"

"It was magnanimous, thank you."

Okay. There has to be a story here. I want to hear it. "How was the ride?"

"It is pretty good so far. I'm at mile sixty in to an eighty mile ride."

"Wow, that's great! I should join you!"

"That sounds like a great idea!"

Okay. So..... What the HELL did he mean by THAT? Let's break this down:

1. Okay look, I know I'm a little plump yes. Yeah. I got a slight jelly roll going on, but dammit, I can push a bike better than you think I can there, buddy. I might be a little slow on the uphills but stay out of my way in the downhills. So don't be condescending. I know I need the exercise but you don't have to emphasize it. I wouldn't do the same to you.

2. I see the way you look at the other burger girls. They should be freezing the way you undress them with your eyes. They tell me they feel violated just standing next to you. Well you look at me the same way. Hell, you look at your damn burger the same way. (It is a piece of meat, right?) and the way you eat it. You start with your salad. It's just like foreplay (munching the greens, get it?) Then you just straight go to WORK on that burger. Pure focus. Total attention. You're like Secretariat in a race wearing blinders. Five minutes of intense, pure, unbridled passion. And when you're done with it, you just kick back, forget about it, and get the hell out of there as quickly as you can. It's a metaphor. When I asked you how your ride was, I saw you look in three directions. I'm not stupid. I know this town. I know what you were looking at. Hotel, motel, and Holiday Inn. The obscure visual cues were sent and received. You're thinking of riding a little more that a bike, aren't you, bad little boy. By the way I feel a little bit of a draft right now. And violated too. And you know, that I know, that you know, that I like it.

3. That was such a metro response. If you REALLY wanted to rock my world, you would have floated me a phone number. Or find some lame excuse to get my number, like by sending a text with a link to a biking club or perhaps a riding route when your true intention is to get underneath my Dickeys uniform pants. But no, you just said "great idea" and left it at that. I hope you ride home and agonize over the decision.

4. I get it. Respect. You know the pecking order here. The old general manager broad has been milking you for months for biking conversation. You probably wouldn't do her with my D if I had a D, although I assure you I don't. At the same time, you get free drinks on a frequent basis and you don't want that to stop. Putting me above her would break that protocol. And if we did hook up, after our relationship came to a natural endpoint, you couldn't go back to that well. I don't blame you.

5. You're such a pig. You wouldn't risk dissing the old broad over me but you would do so in a heartbeat with the slim little curly blonde. Or the tight little brunette. You know you would. I know you would. They know you would. She knows you would.

6. You really don't like riding with other people do you? You're a lone wolf. You never show up with a wing man. You're so stereotypical. Instead of a horse, you have a bike. Instead of a cowboy hat, you wear a helmet. Instead of leather chaps, you wear spandex shorts. Wait a minute, leather chaps over biking shorts? You aren't..... No you aren't. I still feel violated. I'll come back and check on you in a few minutes when I'm ready to go again.
Do women really think like this? :yikes: Wow

Now I know why I could never figure women out.
Are you making more of this than it is?

Based on the scenario you provided, it didn't sound like he was dissing you
Any woman with an attitude like that would not get a second glance from me.
Sac - don't eat the moldy bread...
Okay, so, I've been working this job for a little over two years. Started out as a Burger Girl and have just been promoted to shift manager. I mean hey, this place is no Morton's but it isn't McDonalds either. I kind of like this location. Yuppieville for sure, but generally nice people and no seedy elements. Okay so there is this one customer right, he rides here on his bike every Saturday. I've seen him three or four times. They say he always orders the same thing - a lettuce wrapped double cheesburger and a side salad. No croutons.

Well he was chilling at his favorite table outside with his bike, so, I decided to be managerial and ask him how his burger was. "So, how was that burger?"

"It was magnanimous, thank you."

Okay. There has to be a story here. I want to hear it. "How was the ride?"

"It is pretty good so far. I'm at mile sixty in to an eighty mile ride."

"Wow, that's great! I should join you!"

"That sounds like a great idea!"

Okay. So..... What the HELL did he mean by THAT? Let's break this down:

1. Okay look, I know I'm a little plump yes. Yeah. I got a slight jelly roll going on, but dammit, I can push a bike better than you think I can there, buddy. I might be a little slow on the uphills but stay out of my way in the downhills. So don't be condescending. I know I need the exercise but you don't have to emphasize it. I wouldn't do the same to you.

2. I see the way you look at the other burger girls. They should be freezing the way you undress them with your eyes. They tell me they feel violated just standing next to you. Well you look at me the same way. Hell, you look at your damn burger the same way. (It is a piece of meat, right?) and the way you eat it. You start with your salad. It's just like foreplay (munching the greens, get it?) Then you just straight go to WORK on that burger. Pure focus. Total attention. You're like Secretariat in a race wearing blinders. Five minutes of intense, pure, unbridled passion. And when you're done with it, you just kick back, forget about it, and get the hell out of there as quickly as you can. It's a metaphor. When I asked you how your ride was, I saw you look in three directions. I'm not stupid. I know this town. I know what you were looking at. Hotel, motel, and Holiday Inn. The obscure visual cues were sent and received. You're thinking of riding a little more that a bike, aren't you, bad little boy. By the way I feel a little bit of a draft right now. And violated too. And you know, that I know, that you know, that I like it.

3. That was such a metro response. If you REALLY wanted to rock my world, you would have floated me a phone number. Or find some lame excuse to get my number, like by sending a text with a link to a biking club or perhaps a riding route when your true intention is to get underneath my Dickeys uniform pants. But no, you just said "great idea" and left it at that. I hope you ride home and agonize over the decision.

4. I get it. Respect. You know the pecking order here. The old general manager broad has been milking you for months for biking conversation. You probably wouldn't do her with my D if I had a D, although I assure you I don't. At the same time, you get free drinks on a frequent basis and you don't want that to stop. Putting me above her would break that protocol. And if we did hook up, after our relationship came to a natural endpoint, you couldn't go back to that well. I don't blame you.

5. You're such a pig. You wouldn't risk dissing the old broad over me but you would do so in a heartbeat with the slim little curly blonde. Or the tight little brunette. You know you would. I know you would. They know you would. She knows you would.

6. You really don't like riding with other people do you? You're a lone wolf. You never show up with a wing man. You're so stereotypical. Instead of a horse, you have a bike. Instead of a cowboy hat, you wear a helmet. Instead of leather chaps, you wear spandex shorts. Wait a minute, leather chaps over biking shorts? You aren't..... No you aren't. I still feel violated. I'll come back and check on you in a few minutes when I'm ready to go again.

You think all this nonsense and all he is probably thinking is......

"This chick just hit on me and maybe I'll get lucky!" :yes:
Sounds like he just welcomed the company. Seems like you're making way too much out of this on the first encounter. Wait till you have more facts before rushing to judgement.
let's turn it around

you said ""Wow, that's great! I should join you!"

what's he supposed to say in reply ? Would you rather he said "nah you could never keep up" or would you then be back here with another rant ?

maybe try a [/psycho]
You forgot:

7. None of the above. Just trying to be nice.

Don't know you, Sac, but you sound like one of the many paranoid, man-hating women I had the misfortune to meet during my 20-year stay in the Bay Area.
Don't know you, Sac, but you sound like one of the many paranoid, man-hating women I had the misfortune to meet during my 20-year stay in the Bay Area.

X 10. I had no idea.

Me either, but it doesn't really matter. What I find puzzling is, why on this long list of possibilities is not the possibility that this guy just wanted to go on a bike ride with somebody? Women's logic is so confounding to me. It's all full of psycho analysis and "Well if he said this, then what he really must mean is..." kind of stuff. Most of the time guys are an open book and say what they mean. I don't now, but this is baffling rant to me. Not sure what the big deal is other than insecurity? :dunno:
Making more out of the conversation,than is there.
SAC is definitely a guy - I met him.

But it's a cute story.
He is a she? Heshe? Wtf the hell?!? I feel violated, I feel taken advantage of like all the rest of us that certainly thought Sac Arrow was one of....... us!!! Lol!
Read the thread title...

to the OP:
although you get protein style, how were the buns?

Let's just say we're not talking flatbread, but we're not talking Kaiser rolls either. Whole wheat would have been fairly descriptive. Let's just say the inner wrapping would have been a size 9 pair of Calvin Klein French cuts, dark blue, scalloped pattern.

Look if I had ranted from my own perspective, it would have been fairly boring. "So, like right, I was at the burger place, and this plump chick..." But let's be fair now. She was attractive. Slightly plump, but within tolerance. It's not that I wouldn't have worked it, I just wasn't in freak mode at the time. I'm a true player, a veteran at the game, and even players need a holiday every once in a while.

This place has interesting hiring practices by the way. If you're an attractive, thin, nubile, late teen or 20'ish white chick, you're working a burger girl slot. If you're name is Carlos, you're working cook or dishes. If your name is Carmela, you're doing the same unless you're a body double for Shakira, in which case you will also be a Senorita del Hambre.

I'm so confused!!!! I need pictures!!!

All right, here you go:



  • burger.JPG
    367.7 KB · Views: 578
This place has interesting hiring practices by the way. If you're an attractive, thin, nubile, late teen or 20'ish white chick, you're working a burger girl slot. If you're name is Carlos, you're working cook or dishes. If your name is Carmela, you're doing the same unless you're a body double for Shakira, in which case you will also be a Senorita del Hambre.

Well it works right? If they had Carlos out front, Sac would probably be elsewhere. :D
Damn, those burgers look good. Too bad their nearest location to me is 600 miles away.
So, I got burned by a really lame creative writing exercise. Got it. Baited by a troll. I now understand that Sac Arrow speaks fiction and won't be fooled as easily next time. :rolleyes:
Bah, he was being clever, I'm fine with that.

But SAC, you screwed up. You see, you were so worked up about the other malarkey, that you missed the challenge she made to you. I'm betting she would have smoked you on the bike and you would have had a rear view the whole ride...... but you blew it, I doubt you'll get a second chance as she knows you are not up to the challenge, eating fast food and all. She had you sized up in about two seconds and you were way off your game.
Damn, those burgers look good. Too bad their nearest location to me is 600 miles away.

They are quite good. My favorite chain burger place. By far. (So to speak.)

So, I got burned by a really lame creative writing exercise. Got it. Baited by a troll. I now understand that Sac Arrow speaks fiction and won't be fooled as easily next time. :rolleyes:

The event was real. I thought I put enough clues in there (like, say, in the thread title?) To allow you to figure out what was going on here. Others got it.

Gotta love that the 3rd Armored Division has drill sergeants!
I knew from other posts that he/she was a boy at one time. This post seemed to indicate she/he was now a girl. It happens. :dunno:
Look if I had ranted from my own perspective, it would have been fairly boring. "So, like right, I was at the burger place, and this plump chick..." But let's be fair now. She was attractive. Slightly plump, but within tolerance. It's not that I wouldn't have worked it, I just wasn't in freak mode at the time. I'm a true player, a veteran at the game, and even players need a holiday every once in a while.

"within tolerance" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
The event was real. I thought I put enough clues in there (like, say, in the thread title?) To allow you to figure out what was going on here. Others got it.

You could have waited 17 days to make the post. :yes:
Bah, he was being clever, I'm fine with that.

But SAC, you screwed up. You see, you were so worked up about the other malarkey, that you missed the challenge she made to you. I'm betting she would have smoked you on the bike and you would have had a rear view the whole ride...... but you blew it, I doubt you'll get a second chance as she knows you are not up to the challenge, eating fast food and all. She had you sized up in about two seconds and you were way off your game.

I never did discount that by the way. She had a reason for asking. And I'm up for the challenge for sure.
Anyway, as an interesting follow up, I was in the area yesterday (not on my bike) and I saw the burger girl/manager when I stopped in for lunch. Looks like she lost a bit of weight. "You look different wearing clothes" was her comment. Not sure if that was good or bad. I was about to comment favorably on her downsized ass but decided to leave that one alone.