Quote #62 Question

Len Lanetti said:
Is it:

  • Skin, tin, ticket or;
  • skin, ticket tin?

Most definitely skin ticket tin, I can replace any plane in a couple days and get back to work, can't work it without a ticket though. The flip is if you didn't bend tin, you probably won't lose the ticket. It's a conundrum.
Len Lanetti said:
Is it:
  • Skin, tin, ticket or;
  • skin, ticket tin?

I submitted that quote :) For me it's skin, tin, ticket. Everybody walking away at the end of a flight is all that really matters. After that, I want the plane in more or less one piece, and only then do I worry about my ticket. As Henning pointed out, though, if I don't bend the tin, the ticket is ok. If I do bend the tin, the ticket may not matter, because now priority one is at risk.
Ask your insurance company which order it should be in? :eek:
Joe Williams said:
I submitted that quote :) For me it's skin, tin, ticket. Everybody walking away at the end of a flight is all that really matters. After that, I want the plane in more or less one piece, and only then do I worry about my ticket. As Henning pointed out, though, if I don't bend the tin, the ticket is ok. If I do bend the tin, the ticket may not matter, because now priority one is at risk.

The thing is, sometimes you have to sacrafice tin to save skin. That's where most emergency landings that go wrong, go wrong. People try to stretch a glide trying to save tin and stall in whereas they could have stuck it into some brush or small trees in such a way that sheering off tin would have absorbed the energy in a more controlled and gradual fashion so the decelleration is eased to a point where the body can tollerate it. When the S**t hits the fan, tin is the last of my worries, and I'll issue the orders for the aircaft to sacrafice itself for my a$$ without hesitation. One thing most non ag trained pilots are very short on is crash theory. In the ag business, we KNOW we are going to crash and always fly accordingly, flying forestry really brings this to light when you spend all day 10 ft off 200'+trees. You know it's gonna hurt and accept that, it's just "How do I maximize my chances of survival?"
Joe Williams said:
I submitted that quote :) For me it's skin, tin, ticket. Everybody walking away at the end of a flight is all that really matters. After that, I want the plane in more or less one piece, and only then do I worry about my ticket. As Henning pointed out, though, if I don't bend the tin, the ticket is ok. If I do bend the tin, the ticket may not matter, because now priority one is at risk.

Joe Williams said:
I submitted that quote :) For me it's skin, tin, ticket. Everybody walking away at the end of a flight is all that really matters. After that, I want the plane in more or less one piece, and only then do I worry about my ticket. As Henning pointed out, though, if I don't bend the tin, the ticket is ok. If I do bend the tin, the ticket may not matter, because now priority one is at risk.

But what good is having the airplane intact if you don't have a ticket to fly it?