PW 1830 TBO?

1.6.8 Maintenance Engine Time Between Overhaul

According to the Pratt & Whitney R1830-92 manual the Time Between Overhaul (TBO) is 1,500 hours.
Is that all?

Heck that's like half the cost of an overhaul of the TIO-540 in my dad's Turbo Lance.

Anybody in the San Diego area interested in partnering on a DC-3???

It doesn't look like the Factory supports it any longer.
Heck that's like half the cost of an overhaul of the TIO-540 in my dad's Turbo Lance.

I used to think a Turbo Lance was the perfect plane, until I saw the cost of overhauls :hairraise:
An IO-720 is about the same price to overhaul.

Of course, from a certain perspective, that means I should just knuckle under and get a Comanche 400 :rofl:
So, Tom, out of curiosity, are radials easier or more difficult to overhaul than our typical horizontally opposed engines?

Easier,, you only have two rod journals to grind. :)

And the 1340 still has new parts to use. just bring money.
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