Put your potty mouth to work


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Many IVR (interactive voice response) systems are programmed to recognize key words. Among those keywords are frequently a list of swear words, like the FCC's dirty 7. When asked to respond, use on of those epithets and you will likely be transferred directly to a live human being.

Interesting trick. I will have to try it next time I get an IVR.
Interesting trick. I will have to try it next time I get an IVR.

Was that from the article in last week's New Yorker?

The transcript of the recording of the angry caller was hilarious, especially with the bong bubbling in the background!

Trapper John
Hmmm...the US Bank automated system frequently makes me swear; I guess I just need to swear a little louder next time!
I've never made a call to HP without saying a few choice words. The only words it recognizes are the words you'd never consider using.
I've never made a call to HP without saying a few choice words. The only words it recognizes are the words you'd never consider using.

What, like the "C" word, or words like "sign me up for the service plan"?
What, like the "C" word, or words like "sign me up for the service plan"?
It's the damn service plan that got me into the mess. I should have treated it as a freakin' consumable from the start!

If HP gave away sledge hammers to use at the end of a product's life, I'd be more inclined to buy from them again. Or, it could be used to slam on the phone when I call for service.
One of my students has ties to the voice-recognition industry. In fact we just brought up the swear word issue the other day when I said how much the Lockheed-Martin system annoys me. He pretty much said what the OP quoted.

I have learned that I apparently subconsciously clear my throat if there's dead air before talking to someone on the phone. At least probably five times now, I've done the "a-hem" thing with Flight Service and have had to suffer through the whole "I'm sorry, I did not understand, if you need help, bla bla bla" thing. Even though I have done this to myself over and over, I keep forgetting. So my little "a-hem" keeps making the system think I'm talking to it when I am not. Grr. I should try swearing next time.