Push To Talk for iPhone -- What app?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Years ago for my business, we used to have the NexTel direct connect PTT phones. They were very useful to quickly connect between the front office personnel, the delivery driver, and the yard workers.

But then NexTel got bought by Sprint and the service degraded and prices were too much, so we moved. And then the iPhones came to be, so now we have those.

The need to have PTT once again is rising. Anyone know of a good/reliable app to handle this chore? And we do need something that is "cross carrier" since each person owns their own phone and not all of us are on the same carrier.

And bonus points if the app you suggest is cross platform, as our delivery driver is on an Android phone.
I have no experience, but Google yields quite a few PTT apps.
I know a few friends that use Voxer ... I assume from what they describe, it's a PTT app...
I tried Voxer which seemed to work ok, but it was a novelty and I ultimately removed it. IIRC! All of the PTT apps are really just text messaging apps sending audio instead of text.
Yes, None of the PTT apps really work like the NEXTEL PTT feature. In fact, ATTs phone based PTT sucked badly as well.