Prior Marijuana use

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Greg Bockelman
I am not a fan of posting anonymously especially when the subject does not affect me personally. In this case I am truly asking for a friend.

My friend is a Private Pilot, albeit non current at the moment. It has been several years since he has had a medical but he has the option of going basic med, I think. He has an expired medical marijuana card. According to him, his marijuana use was infrequent and on a limited basis for various aches and pains. The question is, how does this affect his ability to fly under basic med? And as a follow up, he would like to have the ability to do some commercial flying in the future. How does previous marijuana use affect his ability to get a second class medical?

Thanks for your input Bruce and Lou!
Form 8500 only asks about illegal substance abuse in the past 2 years. If the doc visits were past 3 years ago, those don't get reported either. I'm not aware of any database the FAA would use to find out medical MJ users, and even if they did, the way Form 8500 is phrased, it is still a pass after 2 years of non-use.
I’m in a similar boat where I used cannabis twice in my life (late high school once and freshman year of college once). While I wouldn’t have to check the box on the 8500, I am working towards a special issuance for single episode depression where the psychiatrist had in his office note that I had used cannabis twice in my life within my medical history section that just gives administrative type background on me (similar to the part where it lists how many drinks you have a week, tobacco use, etc.). Is that going to be a problem? If so, what will I need to do? Thanks!
Greg, he gets the evaluation: no disorder/ use disorder / abuse, or dependency. FAA acts accordingly. But if he can do BASIC, It’s all up to the local doctor!

Oregon Ducks: it largely depends on the use relationship to the depression…but NB: FAA will random unless the psychiatrist is certain you have no “use disorder”.
Greg, he gets the evaluation: no disorder/ use disorder / abuse, or dependency. FAA acts accordingly. But if he can do BASIC, It’s all up to the local doctor!

Oregon Ducks: it largely depends on the use relationship to the depression…but NB: FAA will random unless the psychiatrist is certain you have no “use disorder”.
@lbfjrmd @bbchien Well, I got the FAA's second request letter today as a follow up to my first submission of medical records. All they are asking for now is a current psychiatric evaluation by my psychiatrist. I believe I already have what I need from the last time I saw him, which was a year and a half ago. Problem is that cannabis twice in my life little nugget is going to be in that doc when I send it in (see below - this is all it is). If the cannabis twice in life was freshman year of college over ten years ago and wayyyyy before the single episode of depression, how does that present in terms of, as Bruce stated, the "use relationship to depression?". I find it hard to believe they are going to make me do random drug testing over something like that. Also, if they are asking for a current psychiatric evaluation, what does the FAA define as "current?" The last report I have from the psych was in Feb 2022, but it meets the request of the FAA content-wise. Will that work or do I need to get another appointment and have him write it up to be current? This psych basically thought the FAA stuff was annoying for him, so I'm afraid he won't play ball this time.

Was your origin application date, after or before “90 days after the after 2023 date”, when you saw the psych?
I'm sorry Dr. Chien. I'm afraid I don't understand the question. What do you mean by "90 days after the after 2023 date?"
i trying to suss out whether the psychiatry eval you had meets the "current to application" standard and is useable as a current status, Normally I need to know date of application and date of the visit but I'm not going to ask you to divulge that on a public board.
Makes sense - thanks for the clarification. I have nothing to hide, so I'm OK with sharing here. The date my AME submitted my initial exam and application was 12/2022. The most recent psych appointment was 2/2022.
Saw the other string. That's becuase Dr Bradshaw must have described you as a "one time" event :) Eg “no use disorder”.>
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