Primer Problems - The Solution

Greg Bockelman

Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Lone Jack, MO
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Greg Bockelman
After troubleshooting my primer system, I determined that there was no problems with the fuel lines, either to or from the primer. The next logical conclusion was that the primer itself had problems. I noticed that there were two different sizes of O-rings in the primer. I got two new ones of the proper size and put it back together. It still did not work.

At that point, I decided that I needed a whole new primer. It was suggested that I get one from a salvage yard. Dodson's is not too far from me, so I called them up. What I wanted was one from a fairly late model Cessna. What they had was a shelf full of them that they took out of the airplanes as they came in. In other words, they had no idea how old some of these were. After some consideration, and a discussion with my wife, it was decided that I should just pop for a brand new, never used primer. That way there would be no question about the quality. (At least in theory.) The new primer came yesterday, and I promptly put it in.

Priming when cold was a definite improvement over my old one. But the acid test was would it prime when hot. I did one hot start yesterday, and 2 and a half today. I can say that the new primer works much better than the old one. I have to pull it out slowly, and occasionaly twist it, but it works to my satisfaction, and I guess that is all that counts.

Hopefully, it will work next month and next summer, too.

Any way, I hope that is the end of the story.
I second the evir-testing Harrisburg Pa sounds like a good place to me Dave G :yes:
Ken Ibold said:
Glad you got it worked out, Greg. That means you can give even MORE rides at Gastons next year!

Greg, I think you need more practice at Twin Oaks first. ;)

Are we really doing Gaston's next year? Just checking.
My fuel budget has been thoroughly blown for a while. I just filled my 80 gallon tank that I use to haul gas to my airplane for the fourth time in just over a month. Even at just over 2 dollars a gallon, that is still a chunk for me. I have to slow down. I just have to. Now lets see, just how much IS in the kids' college fund? :rofl: :D :goofy:
Greg Bockelman said:
I have to slow down. I just have to. Now lets see, just how much IS in the kids' college fund?
I dealt with it by fully funding an account for kid #1.
Kid #2 is scary smart. She'll get a scholarship or be a waitress.
Kid #3 hit .835 in Little League. I'll get him some professional instruction and his signing bonus will take care of everything.

Ken Ibold said:
I dealt with it by fully funding an account for kid #1.
Kid #2 is scary smart. She'll get a scholarship or be a waitress.
Kid #3 hit .835 in Little League. I'll get him some professional instruction and his signing bonus will take care of everything.


My way of dealing with it is thus.

I am pretty sure it is fully funded for #1.

I will have to upgrade to 767 Captain for #2.

Provided I have a job in 5 years to upgrade to.