Pre-planned routing help


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Display name:
Dave Taylor
I have a German pal in Dland, working for the US military and his job is to assist in preparing and filing US mil. flight plans. Til recently it was mostly European but lately he is doing domestic stuff. He asks; where can he get typical or desired routings for both low and hi level stuff?
I directed him to's planning pages which provides User Routes and Most Recent Planned ATC Routes..

What else is available to help him? Only other one I can think of is the preferred routing between close-by cities, what is that? Was it TEC routes? Doubt they'd even use that. He is well aware of sids and stars.
The A/FD is the first place to look. Use the TEC routes if applicable (below 10K in the Northeast Corridor or California), and if not, use the Lo/High (as applicable) Preferred Routes. If you can't find a route there, the "recently used" routes in Flightaware and are good sources for what has been working.
I don't suppose he can just file direct and let the crew sort it out with ATC :)
I dont think he is supplied with AF/Ds.....are they available electronically yet? (If not, why not?!) Smart remarks and other info greatly appreciated!
Yes they are available online dave. google airport facility directory, thats how i find them