PPL Training in South Florida

Mike's in the sky

Filing Flight Plan
Aug 17, 2021
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Hey guys, has anyone here done their PPL training in South Florida? I'm looking to start PPL training at a local airport, then maybe (depending on how my PPL goes) either go to ATP school or continue at a local airport. Anyone have any place in mind? I've looked at different training places at airports in my area, but don't really see any difference btw them. I'm looking for a good training facility and a good CFI. Any recommendations or any tips on how I should pick?

Thanks in advance!
There’s probably 40 flight training schools in “south Florida”. Can you be more specific, or does it really not matter where?
I went to TCFT at KSUA back in 2012, they were a small school back then, 3 CFIs, now they’re a part 141 with 30 CFIs and a majority are international students.
I recently went to Palm Beach Flight Training and so far it has been great. They had great reviews and asked a family member (United Pilot) to look into them and he confirmed they are a good place to get my PPL.
I recently went to Palm Beach Flight Training and so far it has been great. They had great reviews and asked a family member (United Pilot) to look into them and he confirmed they are a good place to get my PPL.
How far into training are you? and how's your experience there so far? (Like the condition of the airplanes, the quality of the CFIs, and the actual training) ?
There’s probably 40 flight training schools in “south Florida”. Can you be more specific, or does it really not matter where?
Palm Beach area… although I wouldn’t mind driving North/South for a good school if it’s worth it