PP Knowledge Test and the Supplement


Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 7, 2008
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Follow Pilots and Pilots-to-be,

It's been a while since I've had to take an FAA knowledge test, but I always remember being handed a supplement book and certain pages had depictions of sectional charts to answer various questions. I believe when I took these tests (12 years ago) they were to scale, meaning that I could use my plotter to calculate distance.

I will be signing off one of my students to take the PP knowledge test and we were studying today and using the newest FAA Supplement booklet (FAA-CT-8080-2F). I noted immediately that none of the charts were to scale and a plotter could not be utilized. :confused:

The charts had a scale at the top of each page which might allow the student to create of a makeshift plotter from a piece of paper, but that seems awkward and not something that a testee should have to do or figure out how to do.

Has anyone noted this? Is this something that has changed recently, or has it always been this way? I truly can't remember.
Heh, didn't know there was a new one. Takes effect February 14.

I just printed off a page and you are right. This is bull****.
That's how it was when I took the exam.

It's not that hard to use. Just measure the distance on your plotter, then hold that distance up to the scale on the page. Cake.
He should just use one of the online test preps u basically memorize all the questions by the time you are done and you take the test and pass.. Just my opinion..
I took it several months ago (last Sept) and none of the charts were to scale in there. I was kicking myself when I was studying trying to figure out why I was getting questions wrong and then realized that I can't use my plotter for the NM scale. I'd just use a piece of paper and align it to the scale on the page and draw lines and then use that to measure distances. Even in the supplement book, the plotter didn't work - I checked it, but knew based on my studying that it probably wouldn't.
For distance measurements, the lines of latitude on the chart should be your scale. 1 min of latitude is 1nm. It does not matter if the chart is not printed to scale, the scale is on the chart in the form of the line of latitude. A bare edge of a piece of paper, mark (measure) the distance, lay the paper along the lat line, read the distance.

I always used dividers in my professional flying, actually "speed dividers". Set your ground speed on the divider, span the distance, flip the divider and place along the latitude line, read the minutes to fly the distance.
I always used dividers in my professional flying, actually "speed dividers". Set your ground speed on the divider, span the distance, flip the divider and place along the latitude line, read the minutes to fly the distance.

What do these look like? I'd appreciate any links. Thanks.
Received this email from Gleim today.

Gleim Pilot community,

As you may know, some of the figures on the FAA Knowledge Tests have been used without revision for decades and therefore look outdated. Fortunately for future students, the FAA is in the process of updating these figures. Gleim applauds this refinement, and we want to disseminate what we know about the FAA's progress so that you and your colleagues can be more effective in preparing and passing the FAA Pilot Knowledge Tests.

The FAA originally planned to release and begin testing with improved color figures for most of the Knowledge Tests on February 10, 2014. However, the FAA announced last week that only 2 new FAA Computer Testing Supplements are going to be effective on Monday, February 10th: (1) Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, and Private Pilot, and (2) Addendum A Computer Testing Supplement for Instrument.

How have the figures changed?

The FAA made every effort to keep the figures largely the same, with changes only for readability/enhanced aesthetics. Unfortunately, the Sport Pilot, Recreational Pilot, and Private Pilot Computer Testing Supplement was not easy for the FAA to update into color. For example, some figures are excerpts from Sectional Charts showing geographical areas with new landmarks. In some cases, airports have been renamed or even closed. Moreover, some Airport Facility Directory pages have changed due to alterations at the respective airports over the years, such as lengthened runways or additional taxiways. In addition to these aesthetic changes, all of the Sport Pilot figure numbers have changed because Sport Pilot now shares the same Computer Testing Supplement with Private.

What does this mean?

Some of the figure changes mandated edits to the associated questions so accuracy and viability could be maintained. However, if we look at the big picture of how those changes will affect students, the impact is minimal. For example, the symbols for airports and Class C airspace are the same. Frequencies may have changed, but their placement on a sectional chart has not changed. In one instance, Dallas Red Bird airport has become Dallas Executive airport. In this case, a student confident in his/her ability to read a Sectional Chart would simply note that the airport is now referred to as "Dallas Executive" instead of "Dallas Red Bird." In this manner, almost all of the changes are not the kind that will trip up a Gleim student who has studied according to our plan.

What does Addendum A mean for Instrument?

Addendum A for Instrument consists of 105 new figures (Figures 155 - 253). Five of the figures are similar (for example, they may have the same approach or airport facility directory) to the current Instrument Computer Testing Supplement. There are no FAA-released questions associated with these 105 new figures. So, an Instrument student may encounter a question associated with the new figures, but the question will not test a new topic. Rather, a new question of this kind could be considered a parallel question to a current question in the Gleim materials. In other words, if a student understands how to answer a glide slope question for ILS RWY 12L at Des Moines INTL (DSM) (Figure 118), then (s)he should be able to answer a similar glide slope question for ILS or LOC RWY 36 OSHKOSH/WITTMAN RGNL (OSH) (Figure 252).

Is Gleim providing an update to its courses and books?

YES! Our online courses (OGS and Test Prep Online) will be updated by mid-February, and PDF updates for our books are already available at http://www.gleim.com/updates.

Where can I find the new FAA Computer Testing Supplements?

Following are clickable links for each new Computer Testing Supplement that will be testable beginning February 10.

Title: Instrument Rating Addendum A
URL: http://www.faa.gov/training_testing/...s_addendum.pdf
Total Pages: 107
File Size: 21.04MB

Title: Sport, Recreational, and Private Pilot
URL: http://www.faa.gov/training_testing/...ivate_akts.pdf
Total Pages: 118
File Size: 35.44MB


Garrett Gleim
Vice President
Gleim Publications, Inc
Phone: 352.375.0772
Fax: 352.375.6940
What do these look like? I'd appreciate any links. Thanks.

I found some on eBay, set up for marine navigation.
Mine are set up for much faster ground speeds, 210-600knts.

Proportional dividers, I'll take a picture of mine and post.
Besides the sectional excerpts and the pages from the A/FD, about the only other change that affects questions is the airspeed indicator. The new artwork has it calibrated in knots instead of mph. But if you know what the colored arcs mean, it'll be a non-issue.

There is an abridged version at Gold Seal. The pages referencing rotorcraft and balloons have been deleted. If you're ASEL, this version will save you some printer ink. It's in the Library.