Pot vending machines


Pattern Altitude
Oct 24, 2007
Fontana, CA
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Fox McCloud
Article: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/01/30/health/main3770460.shtml

You've just got to love Los Angeles. The guy who thought of and patented marijuana vending machines is a genius. A few tweaks and all the popular meds will be from vending machines.

Just a few things seem odd. "Anonymity" & "fingerprint" seem little contradictory.
CBS said:
Patients suffering from chronic pain, loss of appetite and other ailments that marijuana is said to alleviate can get their pot with a dose of convenience at the Herbal Nutrition Center, where a large machine will dole out the drug around the clock.

“Convenient access, lower prices, safety, anonymity,” inventor and owner Vincent Mehdizadeh said, extolling the benefits of the machine.

The computerized machine requires fingerprint identification and a prepaid card with a magnetic stripe. Once the card and fingerprint are verified, a bright green envelope with the pot drops down a slot.

And as usual its government to rescue (from ourselves).
CBS said:
“Somebody owns (it), it's on a property and somebody fills it,” said DEA Special Agent Jose Martinez. “Once we find out where it's at, we'll look into it and see if they're violating laws.”
Oh shoot, I meant to post this to SZ. Somehow I know it'll become "charged". Preemptive move please?