Possible answer to global warming: ChemTrails

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IBTL. Global warming threads usually become political.
If you can't prove global warming, then prove climate change!
Never prove it! If you do, the grant money ends!

Imagine all of those scientists who get government money being unemployed, going on welfare, and getting government money!:eek:

Prove that greenhouse gases produced by burning fossil fuels do NOT contribute to climate change. Or, prove that climate change is a myth, that it doesn’t exist, and that everything is the exact same as it always was. ;)
Prove that greenhouse gases produced by burning fossil fuels do NOT contribute to climate change. Or, prove that climate change is a myth, that it doesn’t exist, and that everything is the exact same as it always was. ;)
There are quite a few assertions that must go along with "climate change", fossil fuel contributions, etc:

A) There is climate change (this assertion is easy, earth has always had a changing climate)
B) Fossil fuels/humans were the primary reason for the change
C) Earth does not compensate for the change in a natural way
D) The change is bad
E) Ceasing fossil fuels use/current activity will reverse the change, or humans are at all capable of reversing the changes to climate
F) Those telling us we can change are correct

If any of these assertions/assumptions are false, what do you recommend?
Chem trails are real. I should know....

Some of the drugs I am currently taking make me pass gas like the Hindenburg disaster.....
I believe that the earth has already entered a deepening solar minimus that's going to significantly cool the climate, starting now. I predict this will be one of the coldest winters in modern history.

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