Portuguese drone down ... oh the carnage!

ElPaso Pilot

Pattern Altitude
May 26, 2006
Display Name

Display name:
ElPaso Pilot
7 second clip. This was worth a chuckle. :lol:


Google translate from the original article
During his visit to Naval Base Alfeite, José Pedro Aguiar-Branco - accompanied by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Macieira Fragoso - Aguiar-Branco attended the presentation of the drone and predicted that the device "will be highly effective in missions the Navy has to fulfill. "
Maybe its amphibious
I bet they're happy the media showed up to capture "the launch"!
Note to Portuguese Air Force:

Push forward on the stick, the houses get bigger...
Pull back on the stick, the houses get smaller...
Keep pulling back on the stick, the houses get bigger again...
:rofl::rofl: I would like to see more of the video, a little leading up to the "launch" and a minute or so after the "boo-boo" :D