Poker run In Illinois..Good idea...Bad idea...


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Nov 12, 2012
Central IL
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Just an idea here. I was talking with the owner of the airpark at Holmes field about a poker run this summer. He thought this was a good idea.

Give me all the feedback you can on this. Pros-cons and everything in between.

Maybe we could donate to a charity, or a portion goes to charity.

You folks have been around this and I am sure done this before. I need your feedback.

I haven't participated before but I know a few EAA chapters did a poker run in Illinois a couple fo years back. You could probably call Justin at 10C and get some info from him as he was the PoC on it. Their number is (815) 648-2433
Poker runs are fun! I don't play poker and but I had fun (and won money!) on the two I participated in with the husband (LOL... I brought him along to help tell me what the best hands were with the cards I had) even in the 110 degree heat in Arkansas in June! I would fly in this for sure if it happens. I learned a little bit about poker from my experiences the last time(s), so it should be even more fun. Let's do it! :D
A Fizzbin run might be entertaining.
Do we want to make this small strips only, meaning non towered strips? Grass airfields?

I spoke with the owner of Holmes Field 3IS5 and he is all for this.

Then should we start a new thread to start a list of players, or a way to register?

We need to decide on the charity we want to donate a portion of the proceeds too.

How about bringing the young eagles into this someway. Maybe they could be the ones to hand out the cards.
You know we could donate our proceeds to the young eagles program.

Please everyone give me your feed back. Good, Bad and otherwise.

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I like the idea of a grass airport or even two, for those who would like that option. But, could we also have the option to get a full hand of cards without going there if we choose?? In other words, have a list of airports that will have cards available and say that pilots can pick any 5 of them to fill out a poker hand. That way, anyone can land on the grass if they want to or not. :)

And... I would also want to make a suggestion on the date. I know it's early in the planning stages, but would like to request (assuming this event would fall on a weekend) to avoid the 2nd weekend in June, the two weekends surrounding Oshkosh, and Labor Day weekend. Thanks! :)
You stop at place to place and at each stop you pick up a playing card. At the end everyone compairs hands and see who wins.

Great way to meet new friends and fly into places you would never fly into.

Motorcycle groups do this all the time.
everyone needs to bring a rifle with them - drive the tptb absolutely nuts . . .
I would suggest that every stop have a sign.

"Liquor in the front, Poker in the rear"... This way you will understand that you are at the correct location...
Ok, newbe here. What is a poker run?

You buy a hand of poker for $XX.00. There are scheduled stops at 5-7 local airports where they give you playing cards, usually in an envelope so you can't see the cards. At the home airport you open up the cards ( no trading cards) and best hands win prize money. Several variations for security, fun, ect.