For Sale Please Note, I have NOTHING for sale


Line Up and Wait
May 6, 2006
Display Name

Display name:
Good Guy
FRAUD ALERT. Someone has hacked my account. I have no items for sale. I have been victimized by this sort of scam in other venues, so please be careful.

I guarantee that if you send money in response to any of the ads placed in "my" name, you will get nothing from me other than good wishes for the prosecution of the fraudster.
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hey, Not sure if this will help anyone, but I have about 4 different accounts that the scammer tried to get me to send money to for payment. This was a good play, cause the scammer used the account, right after the valid owner used the account and thus it looked like the real owner was still active. I will say the english syntax and wording just didn't match the real owner. I almost fell for this.

Maria Bella
Tag: @gcmywsa
Last 4 digits 5727

Last 4 of Number:0096

Kemaria Harris

I think I know this guy. I almost bought something from him on Barnstormers, I think a FlightStream. I called the guy and he seemed to be pretty familiar with aviation, and satisfactory explanations. As noted, he spoke English well but with a slight accent. He wanted me to send money to, I think, Maria Bella, described as his girlfriend in Florida. I notified the Baroness and she quickly took down the multiple things this guy had for sale on her site.

This wasn't an unartful scam. The first one was for a battery powered tug, spread out with chargers and accessories on the tailgate of a pickup. The ad said that it was for "my" Mooney, and plans had changed and "I" would not have any more need for this, since it fit a Sundowner, Sierra, etc. I have a Sundowner, and a tug. Although that portable one looks nice, if I had one, I probably would have kept it. I never had, and likely never will, have a Mooney.

The second ad was for a suite of avionics removed for an upgrade. I didn't really look at the avionics much, but I think one was a Garmin indicator. I have recently redone the panel in the 182. The indicator shown looks like the Garmin one I bought for NAV2. But this stuff is clearly not mine.

ETA: Earlier this evening I saw several for sale ads in my name. I responded and reported the thread. I think they have been taken down now, everything except this thread. I think no harm so far.

IMPORTANT TIP: These guys generally are lazy. They're not going to go to the trouble of taking pictures of the stuff they're pretending to sell. After all, they don't have it. So they go to the Interwebz and find pictures that look nice.

You know that you can copy the image and do a complete scan of the cloud looking for the same image. I was ready to buy a 530W off of eBay, but something didn't seem quite right. I copied the image, did an image search and found the same item had been for sale months before in the Philippines. The pictures were identical.
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The only person asking me for money has been a Nigerian Prince. If the deal he has offered me works out like he promised I'll be able to buy a bunch of planes and give them away to POA members ... :D

Hold your breath for updates!

I seriously appreciate you publicly calling out this clown that's been hacking you.
I think I know this guy. I almost bought something from him on Barnstormers, I think a FlightStream. I called the guy and he seemed to be pretty familiar with aviation, and satisfactory explanations. As noted, he spoke English well but with a slight accent. He wanted me to send money to, I think, Maria Bella, described as his girlfriend in Florida. I notified the Baroness and she quickly took down the multiple things this guy had for sale on her site.

This wasn't an unartful scam. The first one was for a battery powered tug, spread out with chargers and accessories on the tailgate of a pickup. The ad said that it was for "my" Mooney, and plans had changed and "I" would not have any more need for this, since it fit a Sundowner, Sierra, etc. I have a Sundowner, and a tug. Although that portable one looks nice, if I had one, I probably would have kept it. I never had, and likely never will, have a Mooney.

The second ad was for a suite of avionics removed for an upgrade. I didn't really look at the avionics much, but I think one was a Garmin indicator. I have recently redone the panel in the 182. The indicator shown looks like the Garmin one I bought for NAV2. But this stuff is clearly not mine.

ETA: Earlier this evening I saw several for sale ads in my name. I responded and reported the thread. I think they have been taken down now, everything except this thread. I think no harm so far.

IMPORTANT TIP: These guys generally are lazy. They're not going to go to the trouble of taking pictures of the stuff they're pretending to sell. After all, they don't have it. So they go to the Interwebz and find pictures that look nice.

You know that you can copy the image and do a complete scan of the cloud looking for the same image. I was ready to buy a 530W off of eBay, but something didn't seem quite right. I copied the image, did an image search and found the same item had been for sale months before in the Philippines. The pictures were identical.
He got me for the tug deal. As you'd think, the fact that "you" had a long posting history made me too willing to trust the ad, even though you and I haven't ever spoken.

These scammers just ruin everything. Glad you got your accounts back/etc.