Plane Stolen to impress girlfriend!

I bet he's lucky they drove it into a bean field... If he got it into the air his story would have made it to the paper sooner - as his obituary!

State charges will be his only worry if he has any luck at all. But, I'm sure the aircraft's owner will be willing to push for federal charges as soon as he faces a hefty deductible for repairs.
Can we mandate that people who do things this stupid be castrated? :)
Can we mandate that people who do things this stupid be castrated? :)
That might be a tad stiff on penalties. He already has a lifetime ban on driving privileges. I imagine it would be frivolous for the FAA to place a similar ban. Further actions will likely get him a little seclusion time.
He is already flying for a regional. he would probably like something with a few less miles on it.

The last plane I flew yesterday is a 1993 model, has 28,000 hrs and 36,247 landings on it...the plane in this story is probably in about as good of shape over all :rofl:. Unfortunately, even with this prang on its record, it'd be about four year's pay for me.
And of course one tv station had to say it occurred "two days before the sixth anniversary of 9/11..."

Sheesh. Nitwits. Like there is ANY commonality. :rolleyes:
We should reference all things to 9/11 don't ya think? :no::no::no::mad::mad::no::no::no:

I'm sick of people making references in order to get ratings. I watched the 3,000 (or whatever that number was) people die that day live in person and will never forget it, I don't need other people reminding me of it.

Doubly so for stupid things like this that come down to "Dumb drunk guy."