Plane Naming Conventions

My Mom used to get me Broom Hilda books at garage sales... I loved them! Very cool plane name.
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Her name is on the tail and she rides on the hat rack

edit: It’s funny looking at old pictures. My headphone jacks are now “innies” and the grab dohickie has been wrapped in leather like the seats.
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My first plane, an AA-1A, was christened "Damn Yankee" by my work colleagues. When I got my Traveler for IFR training, they voted to name it the "Draft Dodger."
Worked for this guy, right?

Sort of. He was shot down over France in the first plane he named after his wife. I suppose the luck was ok for him, but less so for the poor P-51B.
Naming Conventions???

This whole "conventions" thing is getting out of hand. First it was lodges, with the Elks or Shriners having a convention. Then it was Star Trek conventions. Next thing you know there were freakin' comic book conventions!

Now we have to have a convention to name airplanes?! Good grief. What, do the attendees vote on names or something? Suppose you get stuck with an airplane name you don't like? What if the convention decides to name your plane "Hindenburg," are you going to accept that?

I swear, I don't know that the world is coming to. And get off my lawn!
I guess calling my Cessna 180 the 180 isn't clever enough? But, when I say I'm going to go fly the 180, everyone knows what I am talking about. Or the kit plane, I call it .... The Kit Plane!