Plane down near KAUS. 2 with minor injuries.

Pretty lucky, looks to me like.
Wow, I was just up today around Austin. Crazy.

And an 18-year-old and the home owner's niece are the only two home, what were they doing? :ihih:
Uh, would this make them 19?

The two plane occupants, both between the ages of 18 and 20 years old, refused medical treatment and only had minor injuries.


JTug says they were out of gas.
JTug says they were out of gas.

My abiding respect for you, Wayne, makes me believe that you correct.

But, what in the hell is "JTug"?
I think I may have seen that plane just a week ago up near Austin. First time I saw a Technam. Sounds like it wasn't so much the plane's fault...
