PilotAIM and PilotFAR


Filing Flight Plan
May 9, 2006
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Bill Smith
Hello all,

I have been looking at PilotFAR and PilotAim for use on my iPhone.

Can I get a pirep on them?

How useful to you?

How does the Search function work, etc.?

Worth the price in your opinion?

Thanks in Advance,
Bill in Cypress, Texas
Hi Bill -

I'm the developer of PilotFAR and PilotAIM, so this may not be the pirep you're looking for. But I'm happy to provide some more information for you.

The search function is relatively basic. At the top of the main Table of Contents screen is a search box. Enter your search words and the Table of Contents will redisplay, showing only sections or chapters that contain your search terms. You can search for one or more individual words and the resulting sections will contain the words searched for. That is, search for "weather" and the result set will contain FAR sections (or AIM chapters) that contain that word. Search for "weather winds" and any results will contain both words. Note that multiple search words do not form a phrase that is searched for. The result set need only contain both of the words but not in sequence. When you view a section or chapter in the result-set the search words will be highlighted.

This weekend (7/25) we are submitting PilotFAR 2.0 to Apple, and we expect it will take a couple weeks to be approved. PilotFAR 2.0 is a free upgrade to the current release and includes a variety of new features, including a more sophisticated search feature. In PilotFAR 2.0 (and soon, PilotAIM 2.0) you can search for phrases like "pilot in command" and the result set will find only sections containing that entire phrase. Also, the ability to search for sections NOT containing a word: "drugs -alcohol" finds sections containing the word "drugs" but not containing "alcohol".

We are a small company but we value our customers highly and are striving to create useful and high quality products. If you have any questions or issues with our products, please email us at support@codeveloper.com.

Nick Hodapp
Founder, CoDeveloper Software
As an independent third party who has purchased both apps, I can give a reliable PIREP - I say they're totally worth it! I'm an AGI and teach ground school and many times I've been able to just whip out the iPod Touch and search and find a quick reference when a student asks a question I don't immediately know the answer to.

As an alternative, you can always just whip out the phone and call Kent Shook - the walking, talking FAR/AIM. :)
I also have both apps and think they are worth it. :)
I have both. The search function has been very helpful, especially with the AIM. Worth the $!