Pilot Biologist Information


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 11, 2014
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I am looking to see if anyone knows information about getting a commercial pilots license for becoming a wildlife pilot biologist in the Milwaukee area. To give you a little background I have just graduated with a four year degree in wildlife biology and had this idea of mixing wildlife and flying a while back, but now that I know it can become a reality I wanted to do a little more research on the subject before diving in. I am currently working in northern California on a wildlife project, which I intend to return to next year simply because I need an income and the job is pretty cool, but it is only seasonal/temporary. So, I figured I could do my pilot training in the fall/winter season and the reason why I chose Milwaukee is because my sister and her husband live there and offered me free living. Does anyone know how to go about getting started in this or know of any information for a pilot biologist career path?

Any and all help/info would help!
At the Federal level, Dept of Interior and Dept of Agriculture.


will give you an idea what's out there.

Look at other research entities, such as universities and various non-profits working on environmental issues. Also State governments including (in Colorado) Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Public Health are possible areas of employment.
I can't offer any help on the primary question but let me know if you need any help getting off the ground in Milwaukee. I belong to a flying club at KMWC (with a share for sale) and also know most of the other area airports. Good luck!
Yeah, feds is probably the way to go, though there is volunteer work available via Lighthawk.

California used to employ a pilot-park ranger. Don't know if she still has the job. Met her on the ramp once in the low desert at Borrego Springs, near the Anza Borrego State Park (one of the largest state parks in the country). Flew a nice Aviat Husky. Interesting life, for sure.
