

Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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i started uploading some pictures to picasa. is the link.
ive got oshkosh pics up there now. there are some pretty crappy ones, i just uploaded them all. i think i got any unflattering photos out of there but let me know if i didnt and ill delete as specified. ill probably get some more pictures up soon.
yes i just realized that it was there last night. i plan to put a lot of pictures up. its nice to share.
Its pretty darn cool. I love that you get a free gig of storage and can upgrade cheaply.
Great pictures, Tony. I really like the ones of all the unusual and unique aircrafts. ;)
i agree Steve. you can see a 172 at any old airport. I love the classics at Oshkosh. although those IAR 823s are getting awfully common. It seems like every fly in I go to there is at least one there...
ok i just went crazy and uploaded a ton of pictures. gastons 06 and 07, porterfield flying, landouts in the glider, first flight in my glider. who knows what else...