Pictures of the Glider


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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At some of your request, here it is. Help me come up with a name! Flying this weekend was great. 6 flights for a little more than 4 hours. The variometer is reading backwards for some reason, but I got used to circling when the needle was pointing down. It has a really low minimum sink, like 150 fpm so it does well in weak lift. max altitude for the weekend was 5100 MSL off a 3000 MSL tow. Next weekend I have three days for Memorial Day and plan on some cross countries, so stand by for wild flight reports!


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Well, since the tail number is N373Y, how about NETEY?

Or call it Mini Flying Fortress, since it kind of looks like one to me.
Seems to me that Piper would be a good name. Or maybe someone has already used that for a dog or something :rolleyes:

To me that glider has Zeppelin qualities to the way it looks looks. How about Hindy, Led, or Dirge?
Classic and beautiful! You have to mix it up with jets; wow, that's something I never encountered.

Planning on XCs huh. You'd be wecome at Gaston's.:D
well im coming to gastons lance, but not in the glider. Although, that would be amazing. all it would take is a monstrous cold front to blow through with cloud base at 12000 or so and winds out of the north at at least 40 knots :)

It is a classic, thanks! built in 65 and still beautiful.

mixing it up with the jets sucks. that one decided to land downwind, we cleared the glider/towplane off the runway to let him in. It is pretty interesting, we are pretty serious about minimizing time on the runway around here. Got a couple FBOs doing rentals and training, several based pilots flying in and out for business, lots of transients, including jets.
cool ship, Tony...keep us informed on your times/ least we can fly x-c vicariously ;)