Picking someone up at Van Nuys (VNY)


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 17, 2015
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The ink isn't dry on my temporary certificate yet, but I'm a pilot! :) And now learning how much I didn't learn during the run-up to the check ride. Like …

Van Nuys airport. No transient parking. How/where can I pick someone up? (Flying in from one airport, on our way to a third.) Someone said Signature (an FBO there) would let us do a quick passenger pick-up / drop-off, but I've also heard they'll charge ramp fees roughly equal to an hour of plane rental(!) for that convenience…? I'd obviously rather spend that kind of cash on flight time…

Going into a new, complicated(?) airport like Van Nuys for the first time, how do you go about figuring this kind of stuff out?

VNY used to be my home drome, but I haven't been there in quite some time now and can't comment on the current situation.

But nearby Whiteman (KWHP) may be considerably less expensive and less stressful.
I've always used the Airtel Plaza. They have their own little ramp and a restaurant, snack shop, hotel.

Used to be you could park there as long as you wanted, now you have to be a guest but just to drop of of pick up someone, it works nicely.

I find it less stressful than Whitman because it is so easy to see as you approach.
Whiteman has transient parking and an on-field restaurant.

Phone the FBO at Van Nuys and ask. They will tell you. You can often get a break for a quick pickup. Signature at Oakland (very expensive) even let me park for free when I had a CAP cadet in the plane asking for an urgent bio-break. They'll also do that for a few-hour trip to the local air museum (on foot).

You will almost never get out of landing fees unless you're a charitable organization, as those are charged by the airport and not the FBO. But ramp/parking fees are another story. Sometimes, they will want you to purchase fuel. E.g., Del Monte at Monterey does that. Sometimes, they don't care as long as you don't get in the way or cost them money (e.g., Jet Center at Santa Rosa).

Consider buying fuel if they do anything for you. Especially if they let you use a crew car or drive you somewhere. It's just nice. The FBO at Castle hauls people to the air museum, for instance.

Occasionally, on-field hotels have parking you can use. E.g., Concord (Crowne Plaza).
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